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Everything posted by daveant

  1. I'm 36, ther are days I feel young, usually during or after taekwondo.
  2. Anyone ever been to Korea? I spent a few days there earlier this year and a wonderful time. Even though I was there on business, I found time to see the sites, I was very disappointede that I couldn't see the kukkiwon, just couldnt get the time, gives me good reason to go back though. I stayed in Seoul, and did some great shopping, had excellent meals and swa fantastic sights..
  3. Ive only been in one situation where I though of using my Martial Arts fighting skills in real life and then I choose to intimdate instead of Obliterate. I was at an office party and believe it or not an upper management guy kissed my wife when I was in the bathroom. Needless to say, this drunken fool was more scared when I confronted him and the threat of violence to his body was more then he seemed ready to take on. Also facing him at work was very interesting the next day when he had to face life sober and knowing the fact that he had totally humiliated himself. It was not long before he quit our organization...it still would have probably felt good to whack him around, but facing possible criminal charges or a loss of ones job - you have to think first before striking.
  4. I agree with Tim Greer, myself being a 6'4" 225 pound man, size does matter. But I have had the wind knocked out of me by many more experienced and more knowledgeable martial artists much smaller than myself. I enjoy the power that I have, but I sure wish I could produce the speed that some of my smaller counterparts seem to have naturally. Nothing replaces and is better than knowledge and how to use it, whether it be physical contact or mental confrontations. Just my 2 cents worth..
  5. How many levels of belts does everyone have to go through to get to black? At my dojang they use the following: White Yellow Orange, Orange Senior Green, Green Senior Blue, Blue Senior Purple, Purple Senior Brown, Brown Senior Red, Red Senior Red Black Black. While I enjoyed testing every few months it got a bit expensive. 16 belts through to black took me about 4 years to obtain 1st dan.
  6. Age doesnt matter, its how young your heart is, I started TaekwonDo at age 32. I got my black belt 4 years later - and nothing's going to stop me now...
  7. I study Taekwondo and Hapkido.
  8. Here a pic of me... http://us.f1.yahoofs.com/users/679ae591/bc/Yahoo!+Photo+Album/mafia.jpg This Message was edited by: Patrick on Jul 14, 2001 11:55am
  9. Just wanted to say hello and thanks for letting me join your board - looks like a lot of great information and discussion. I just earned my black belt in TaeKwonDo this past spring and look forward to sharing my thoughts with everyone. Bob Daveant
  10. I study the PALGWE and TAEGUEK forms and the black belt forms. My favorite is Koryo, because it was used in my Black belt test.
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