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    Great Britain

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  1. respect to bruce well i cant come on here for a couple of months so dont try to make a argument cuz u aint gettin a reply
  2. so your not afraid of being shot ? i never said i was scared of a firearm, but i have no shame in admitting that im scared of what a shot gun blast could do to my chest i was training to be a royal marine and have knowledge in using a SA-80, L-98 and a LSW so i have fired weapons. i think anyone who says that they aint scared of being shot has something wrong with them. _________________ Wing Chun Jeet Kune Do San Shou Although We All Have Different Cultures But We All Like One Thing - To Watch A Good Fight [ This Message was edited by: Zin-Ju on 2002-07-05 19:11 ]
  3. i must of changed that while you was posting. so just so you dont look a complete wa*ker i said do you carry a gun cus you thinks its cool or you think your some mafia hardman. all i can say is lol you think im immature _________________ Wing Chun Jeet Kune Do San Shou Although We All Have Different Cultures But We All Like One Thing - To Watch A Good Fight [ This Message was edited by: Zin-Ju on 2002-07-05 19:24 ]
  4. sinbad was right from the very begining of this. i aint gonna carry on with this thread as we both hold different views, neither of us is right or wrong, we both just have different views. _________________ Wing Chun Jeet Kune Do San Shou Although We All Have Different Cultures But We All Like One Thing - To Watch A Good Fight [ This Message was edited by: Zin-Ju on 2002-07-05 18:56 ]
  5. because from a fist fight you will more then likey to walk away, whereas a slug to the head you wont. i dont think you understand how powerful a gun is its the same thing but on a much larger scale lets say a big country eg the US attacks a smaller country eg britain britain is prepared and lunches nukes and wins isn't this the same thing? yes but on a much larger scale. no matter how right you think you are, you aint. enough said
  6. don look if your more scared of a frist in the chest, then a shotgun blast to your chest, you truly are a complete d*ckhead. you said "During the LA riots, the only Korean stores that survived in the riot zone were the ones that had store owners and their families banded together on the roofs with AR-15 and AK-47 rifles" so the people didn't go to that store because they were scared of getting shot. you contridict (spelling?) yourself enough said. i aint even gonna try to argue with such a stupid moron
  7. it was pretty good online up 2 about 6 months ago then everyone all of a sudden quit i aint been on since then
  8. kerkr Buips rek Cavalier of Insulin HaHa i did it wrong last time _________________ [ This Message was edited by: Zin-Ju on 2002-07-06 13:37 ]
  9. i admit im not a know-it-all about guns but tell me where you got the idea that since guns where banned crime has increased as every year i hear on the news crime has decreased by so and so %.
  10. did u play starcraft online ? if so what was your aka ?
  11. anyone got this yet ? im thinking about getting it. ive played starcraft and diable 2 and d2 expansion since they came out, anyone else play games on battle.net
  12. i probelm caused by guns, they scare the sh*t out of some people, and it aint cause of the person who has the gun, its the gun id be scared of. im not scared of the 65 year old lady next door, but if that old lady put a shotgun in my face i know its the gun that would scare me
  13. withers you just sound like a spoilt little brat who wants everything your way ive always wanted a gun but there banned in our country does england have a gun problem? NO, so it shows it works, no ones argee's with you, just shut up and quit moaning. if you want to practice why not use stuff like single shot weapons, there is no need for a automatic weapon, the only need for a automatic is if you want to go on a mass killing spree GTA3 style
  14. respect is due to you all, what i also noticed a bond between our countrys was when princess diana was killed, i always thought the US people knew nuthin of our royal family then i saw so many americans crying.
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