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Sin Style

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Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. withers, zin, don whats are you really talking about. don you said "I have a very healthy fear of being shot, but I am not frightened in the presence of a gun unless it's pointed at me" didn't zin-ju say about the same thing, zin said "im not afraid of the firearm, but im scared of what the shotgun blast could do to my chest" or words to that effect. i think its sad for you all to try to make a argument out of this. zin should of at least blanked out m****, but if your not willing to accept his view i would get mad to
  2. ive always wondered this. what do the people of America think of England? like do you see England as part of your history or just some little country i know most americans think the way we run our government is stupid tell me wat you think
  3. what are we talking here ? who is a martial artist and a great actor or which actor is the best at martial arts ? i think bruce lee was a great martial artist but a novice actor where as seagal is a good actor and a master of martial arts. lol ive confused myself
  4. has anyone seen Jet Li's - Black Mask ive only seen the final seen on a ultimate fight scenes dvd
  5. Chun Soo, i think its called ive never heard of it before so i did some reading turned out Chuck Noris made it, its a mix of tae kwon do and tang soo do
  6. i wouldn't say bruce lee was a great actor either, but i only brought all of lee's films for the fight scenes, Jet Li is alright but there is too much wire work. Seagal has always been my fav, but wesley snipes are getting high in my ranks
  7. i dont think anyone could hold off 4 people even if the 4 people attacking didn't do martial arts, only way you could beat 4 people is to run and fight one by one jackie chan style
  8. you said "But you obviously didn't study American History" isn't the wild west part of american history??
  9. as one of the GTA3 makers said if you are mad enough to want to go on killing runs, jack cars and go with pros. buy the game then you can do it as much as you like. im an avid listener of Gangsta Rap i own everything from way back to NWA, when i was going up every kid i hung around with wanted to be a "gangsta" from listening to rap its the main reason all of my mates smoke canabis, my parents also says it drives them mad and can understand why todays kids are so crazy Music.. reality..Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference But we as entertainers.. have a responsibilityto these kids.. psyche! - D12
  10. ive read quite a few books on the Yakuza and its never said they use ninja's. what be more effective a sniper attack or sword ?
  11. withers i know lots about guns, can u take a L-98 or SA-80 to pieces in under 20 seconds, put it back together blindfolded ? i studied the american west for my final exams in history, i can say for sure that USA has had gun problems since then, you need to learn to take jokes, and should revise up on your history of the "wild west" the reason the US is a free country is because when english had only a few divisions of soliders in america they chose to attack then british soldiers are much more skillful, why else would Bush want the SAS in afgen first.
  12. does anyone else really want to look in there :D:D:D also if it voilates site rules is the thread deleted ? _________________ O_o A Sword Fight is Like a Game of Chess You Must Think Before You Move o_O [ This Message was edited by: Sin Style on 2002-06-27 17:25 ]
  13. A fellow walks into a pet store and asks to buy a canary. The proprietor replies, "I'm fresh out, but I DO have a parakeet." The customer insists on a canary, until the shop owner informs him that a parakeet can be made to sound like a canary if one files the beak just so. "But be careful not to file too much off, or the parakeet will drown when he goes to take a drink of water." The potential customer decides that this is complete bulls**t, but thanks the shop owner politely and leaves, sans parakeet. He goes into another pet shop and asks for a canary -- no luck. "But", says the shop owner, "I do have a parakeet, and if you file the beak just so, it can be made to sound just like a canary." He goes on to explain that filing off too much beak will jeopardize the bird's life, due to the potential for drowning when he takes a drink. The fellow finally decides that there is some merit to these claims and buys the parakeet. "Besides", he thinks to himself, "parakeets are much cheaper." His next stop is a hardware store, where he wanders into the file section, holding his recently purchased bird. The owner wanders by and asks of he needs some help. The new bird owner sheepishly explains how he intends to make his parakeet sing like a canary. The hardware store owner knowingly picks up a file and hands it to him. "Here, a Nichols #2 ******* file. But be careful not to file too much off, or the poor beastie might drown." The bird and file owner thanks the hardware store owner and leaves for home. A few weeks later, the bird owner wanders into the hardware store. The owner, recognizing him, asks how he made out with the parakeet. The fellow looks down and sadly reports "Bird's dead". The hardware store owner shares his sorrow and asks "Filed off too much beak?" To which the former bird owner replies "Nah, he was dead when I took him out of the vise."
  14. im 17 by the way _________________ O_o A Sword Fight is Like a Game of Chess You Must Think Before You Move o_O [ This Message was edited by: Sin Style on 2002-06-27 16:54 ]
  15. dont get jealous...in shotokan im... not even a white belt and wear my normal clothes LOL
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