I've got mixed feeling about this topic... On one hand, I'm not too big on the "eye-for-an-eye"... I don't know why... To me it just seems like sinking to their level... We're condemming them, for something that we will do to them... It's hypocritical!!! However, saying that. There are some occasions where the deth penilty would be (for lack of better term) "Fitting". For Example. A few years ago in my city, there was a man named Paul Bernardo. This man was a dick to put it bluntly. One night about 10 min. drive from my house he stopped at a Macs Milk and followed a FOURTEEN YEAR OLD GIRL home to her house. The girl was locked out of her house because she missed her curfew I think, and so she went into her backyark to stay for the night. Paul secretely crept into her yard, kidnapped her, raped her, and killed her and hacked up her body and dumped it into a lake. But Wait! Theres More! Paul did this alongside his wife. He later did the same thing to another 15 year old girl. This man was sick and should have been put to death. But because Canada doesn't allow for the death penilty, he just serves a life sentence. You tell me he doesn't deserve to die after raping and murdering two TEENAGE GIRLS. You tell me, or their families why their daughtes deserved to die, but he doesn't after taking their lives and ruening many others. So I guess what I'm getting at is, Under extream circumstances like the above, I surrpet Capital Punnishment... But that's about it... Guess that's my 50th of a doller. Sorry to those that are upset by the story or anything I said... All I'm stating is my opinion... Not trying to fuel an arguement, hurt anyones feeling or anything...