I am sure that there are alot of different posts on this one. And I am sure as well I will be saying a bit that the others have said. First thing if you have to fight against more then one person...make yourself so that you can only be attacked by one at a time. The less number of punches and kicks coming at you then the better chance you have to fight your way out. Once again I would have to say go for knees, noses, eyes, and other things that can be gouged or broke easliy. Another thing to look for is if you can get your hand on a weapon wiether it be a stick or even a trashcan lid. If you get a weapon in your hand then you will notice alot of different people dontl ike to fight. But if you use the weapon only defend and then lose it dont hit whiel theya re down..cause that goes from defence to assult and that is bad