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Everything posted by Bushidos_bro

  1. Hello all In the fight between a body builder and a MA. I would say that the Bodybuilder does have an advantage at a few spots as well. he will be able to intimidate people before the fight and yes if his body is use to it he will be able to take a few punches. But I would have to go with the MA cause he knows what to do. Sure he may not of ever used it before but whent he time comes it just comes to ducking and weaving and then striking the vital areas. It would be a close fight but like I said I would have to go with the MA in this area.
  2. I am sure that there are alot of different posts on this one. And I am sure as well I will be saying a bit that the others have said. First thing if you have to fight against more then one person...make yourself so that you can only be attacked by one at a time. The less number of punches and kicks coming at you then the better chance you have to fight your way out. Once again I would have to say go for knees, noses, eyes, and other things that can be gouged or broke easliy. Another thing to look for is if you can get your hand on a weapon wiether it be a stick or even a trashcan lid. If you get a weapon in your hand then you will notice alot of different people dontl ike to fight. But if you use the weapon only defend and then lose it dont hit whiel theya re down..cause that goes from defence to assult and that is bad
  3. New guy here again If I were walking to my car and I noticed that the two men were around still and following. The first thing you should do is trya nd find a public place you can go into and see if they follow. If they do follow then maybe try and call the police. Now lets say that you are at your car it is dark and the street is bare and the man steps in front of you and your door. I guess the first thing that I would do would have to be take a knee out. I am a black belt but in a two on one fight always try and take one person out as fast as you can. Take a knee break it if you have to. Gouge a throat or an eye. One thing I tell my brother is that I follow a certain clause when it comes to a fight. and that claus is called the effenicence clause. If you break a knee or a arm then that man will not be able to fight to the best of his ability. I know it may seem dirty but Id ont like to be threated and I hate when people do stuff I dont like to girls that I know. Once you get the one man on the ground push your girl to the side and have her run to a phone...if the other man persists then once again use all you can in a fight. Hit him hard hit him fast but make sure you take him quick as well. Like I said go for eyes throats knees and elbows. If you have to when you have him dazed then go and push him over the car to give you room to get away from him
  4. I am new here but if the guy keeps coming at you. First thing try and keep it so you can get away from him...Sure some people will call you a chicken but we do martial arts for different reasons not just to learn to fight. But if you get to a point to where you can not back down and he wont let you get away then I would have to say first thing. Take his legs out from under him...get him on the ground and then walk away. maybe if you can get him down and show him mercy he will leave you alone from there. I dont know if that will help or not but that would be what I would do first...just try and get him down to the ground but dont go with him
  5. Hey everyone Just coming on cause my brother has told me alot about it. I am hoping to have lots of good discussions with everyone that is here. Don't be afraid to send a message to either my msn or yahoo. I am open minded and hope to see or read from you all in the future. Dont have to much fun either. Bushido_man96 is my brother help me
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