It's not that she's a "talker" per se. It's more of a smart comment toward things. She pays attention, does all of the drills and patterns extremely well, and doesn't embarass easily (tried that too). I would say a little rebellious in the fact that she doesn't like to be told what to do. She is over coming that slowly. She is trying to put forth the effort to change her attitude, and some nights she does excellent and some nights she doesn't (mostly after a bad day at work). I know she CAN do the right thing because I've seen her demonstrate it, but some nights, I just can't tolerate the attitude. She is hard headed and once she decides she doesn't want to do something, she flat out isn't going to do it. If I say "put your sparring gear on" and she isn't "in the mood" to spar, she will say "I don't want to spar tonight." I tell her again to put her gear on, and usually end up making her do push-ups. She'll do 50 push-ups for not following directions/being disrespectful, and finally put sparring gear on. Once she is called up to spar, she refuses to spar. She just steps back everytime someone tries to attack. It is these things that I am trying to correct...overall attitude, smart mouth, and hard headedness. She does realize that it happens and that it is disrespectful toward me, but she seems to speak, then think. She is the one who approached me about the problem, and I've tried everything I can think of to help her work through it, and nothing seems to work. I'm out of ideas.