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Everything posted by DONO

  1. I heard a rumor that Joe Rogan (Host of Fear Factor and color commentator for UFC) challenged Wesley Snipes to a UFC fight. Joe Rogan was a 4 time state champion in TKD and won the American TKD Championship. He also has a Brown belt in BJJ. Snipes has studied Kung Fu, Capoeira, and TKD. Who do you think would win? I vote for Snipes...
  2. Mr. Norris made those rules so that the most striking action can occur within each round. It's for the fans. Let's face it, the amount of time it takes to actually do something interesting from a mount in the UFC is too long and it's boring.
  3. Sorry to correct you and I don't mean to sound rude if I do, but I believe the person who posted this topin is not a Tang Soo Do practitioner, but a Chun Kuk Do Practitioner. In Chun Kuk Do, Jion is the longest Kata...
  4. I agree with you for the most part, but I would just like to add something for everyone else. In national level and international level comeptitions there are two seperate divisions that divide traditional MA and performance MA and I've seen people like Scott Wu be succesful in both. Also about the basics-first theory you have, I completely agree with you. My instructor made me master my basic bo skills before he taught me all the releases and flips with it. And it does make kids more enthusiastic about coming to class... ^_^
  5. My name is Donovan and I am a Black Belt in Chun Kuk Do. Chun Kuk Do is derived from Tang Soo Do and was founded by Chuck Norris. (Seriously, no Chuck Norris fact intended.) I have been doing Chun Kuk Do for about 5 years now and I was hoping there were some other Chun Kuk Do practitioners on this site. If not, then oh well. Well i guess here's a little bio of me: Name: Donovan Nickname(s): DONO, Donolicious, Donomufu Age: 15 Location: Houston, TX Style: Chun Kuk Do Years training: 5 Hobbies: Tricking and Dancing (Popping) Music of choice: Rap, Hip Hop, R&B Weapons learned: Bo and Kamas Competitor?: Yes Team: CKD
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