My name is Donovan and I am a Black Belt in Chun Kuk Do. Chun Kuk Do is derived from Tang Soo Do and was founded by Chuck Norris. (Seriously, no Chuck Norris fact intended.) I have been doing Chun Kuk Do for about 5 years now and I was hoping there were some other Chun Kuk Do practitioners on this site. If not, then oh well. Well i guess here's a little bio of me: Name: Donovan Nickname(s): DONO, Donolicious, Donomufu Age: 15 Location: Houston, TX Style: Chun Kuk Do Years training: 5 Hobbies: Tricking and Dancing (Popping) Music of choice: Rap, Hip Hop, R&B Weapons learned: Bo and Kamas Competitor?: Yes Team: CKD