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Martial Art(s)
ITF Taekwon-Do, Wing Chun
Western Australia
MA, Fire & Rescue Service
Lab Rat
John G's Achievements

Green Belt (5/10)
question for traditional ITF practitioners
John G replied to Altek's topic in TKD, TSD, Hapkido, and Korean Martial Arts
We use both sine-wave and hip-twist in patterns. Respectfully, John G Jarrett III Dan ITF -
John G replied to wlausm's topic in Choosing a Martial Art, Comparing Styles, and Cross-Training
With regard to TKD, it depends on what style of TKD you are looking at and what skill levels the instructors are. TKD varies from hard core self defence through to an Olympic sport. Respectfully, -
okc_deputy16, Belts are only given out as a reward for effort, subject to the beliefs and standards of those who present the belt. As there is no universal “one size fits all” measurement for this effort (thank goodness), there will always be differences of opinion on what is deserving of a Black Belt. I too think that GIVING a 10 y/o or a 13 y/o or a 25 y/o or a 35 y/o a black belt is a mistake, I feel that it should be earned, and retained through effort. A black belt is just a black belt, who am I to question the validity of a piece of cloth? These are the questions you should be asking yourself. I Did. Respectfully,
The lost korean arts - What are they?
John G replied to SifuGraff's topic in TKD, TSD, Hapkido, and Korean Martial Arts
SifuGraff, Korea has regionally always been the meat in the sandwich, with Europe to the north, China to its west, Japan to its south and the U.S.A to its east. My limited knowledge of Korean history has led me to believe that depending on who had what, Korea would play one nation off against the next for its own gain. Korea’s continual allegiance changes also brought about changes to her religious, theological and political systems. This fence sitting approach ultimately led to Korea’s own demise. Prior to Japan’s annexation of Korea in 1910 (thanks to the U.S.A. and Britain re: Portsmouth, Treaty 1905), Korea was a protectorate of China aligned both politically and theologically. My point is, that given Korea’s religious, ideological, theological and political changes over the past 1500 years. Her constantly changing borders and diverse terrain (i.e. mountainous to the north), you would be hard pressed to find any commercially available “original martial art” in that part of the world, as they have all borrowed from each other. I have no problems training and teaching ITF TKD knowing full well that it was borowed and modified from the Japanese, who borrowed and modified it from the Okinawa’s, who borrowed and modified it from the Chinese, who borrowed and modified it from India, who borrowed and modified it……. I’m sure if you look hard enough, someone will sell you an “Original Korean martial art “ untouched by the ravages of time or cultural exchange. Or maybe it could be found in that hidden Buddhist temple located somewhere on the Myohyangsan mountain ranges (Opp’s can’t go there, that’s in North Korea, part of the axis of evil and all). Respectfully, -
Aefibird, With regard to patterns, if you’ve had exposure to karate and wing chun you’ll find it a walk in the park, especially if the camp is for beginners and lower graders. Don’t be too concerned with learning the patterns up front, as there are many subtle differences between ITF TKD and other martial arts you may have been trained in, especially when it comes to stances, sine motion and crossings on techniques. Keep an open mind and have fun. Respectfully
Sawamura Wannabe If you wish to learn how to effectively destroy / kill someone who threatens you life join the army. It won’t cost you anything, and will open your eyes to what is real, and not just the syco-babble romantic crap one gets from watching Bruce Lee and Matrix re-runs. Find someone who has been there and done it, and if your lucky they will tell you to go away and think why you truly want to learn how to kill / destroy someone. Fully understand the consequences of your actions. Anything else is just a dream.
Don’t get too fired up over the encyclopaedia set, it’s only a training aid, and in no way shape or form does it replace lessons from an instructor. I guess I owe you an apology, yesterday was a real s#*t of a day, and when I saw yet another my art is better than TKD post I couldn’t help but bite. You see, most people who make these comments fail to do some research and assume that there is only one style of TKD. The same goes for people who believe that just because TMNT and KK Karate aren’t the best in the real world (as he dives for cover) all Karate is crap. Once again I apologise for my half baked comments. Respectfully,
What is true love? Love is a cruel trick nature plays on us so we can propagate the species. Words like infatuation, companionship and lust should be used instead of love. Think of it this way; take a good look at some crusty old wrinklies (people 35+ y/o ) who aren’t related to you (for those living in Tasmania ). Now ask yourself if you find this person attractive, could you find yourself in true love with an old mothball smelling, weather-beaten person. 20 years ago I would have been horrified to think that I would be sharing a bed with a granny (Thinking about it, the better half probably never thought she would be sharing a bed with an old fart like me.). The thought of sharing a bed with a great granny in 20 – 30 years time, has me checking out the 70+ talent down at the old folk’s retirement village and making me wonder if it’s too late to become a celibate monk. The only true love is found within, love life and those around you.
Anyone who requires a safe way home from Discos (John Travolta 70's style) deservers a good thrashing to knock some sense into them
ITF Taekwon-do states that first, second and third degree (Dan) black belts are only novice ranks. Most people will tell you that receiving your black belt is only the beginning of the journey. I can’t recall reading anywhere that it states on receiving your black belt a “person can physically hold their own against anybody else” . If children can be taught to fire Kalashnikovs and throw hand grenades in some countries what harm is there in teaching martial arts to our children? One must remember that the system of coloured belts and Dan grading is relatively new, primarily developed to cater for us materialistic westerners with only one thing in mind. Extracting more money. If you feel that somehow you’re Dan/Degree ranking has been devalued by 6 y/o 4th Dan/degree holders, then you obversely hold the status of black belt over that of what is taught. Be more concerned with what you can learn rather than what rank and training someone else has obtained, regardless of age. If you feel that people are being ripped off, or have been given a false sense of security, expose the frauds and suggest alternatives. Respectfully,
The old ‘weighted chain of death’ I have only seen one person demonstrate this device after an Wing Chun seminar in Melbourne. Apparently this person studied several forms of Chinese martial arts before taking up and mastering Wing Chun. I was most impressed with the skill required to wield such an instrument Good luck with your search for an instructor.
With respect I’m puzzled by your question, the simple fact that very few have heard of ToraSamaDo attest to the rational behind having associations and federations. Associations and federations are a necessary evil if you wish growth within a martial art. Why necessary? Set standards and support in numbers. Why evil? Within large associations / federations corruption, nepotism and greed generally sets in to the detriment of its members.
I agree, however to be more precise it's one word Taekwondo In the context of the Olympics you are correct WTF spelling is “Taekwondo”, ITF uses the more precise spelling “Taekwon-do”.
The mere fact that you pointed out that ITF TKD wasn’t what you were referring to is exactly the problem alluded to in my post. Once Karate is included into the Olympics, any martial art with the word karate in it will be tarred with the same brush by the general public and ignorant (uninformed) martial artists. The ITF (International Taekwon-do Federation) is one of many Korean martial arts under the TKD banner who for the better or worse are tarred by the WTF Olympic brush. Worse off still are those under the WTF banner who practice martial arts with little or no involvement to the sporting side of WTF. Don’t get me wrong, I’m in awe, and have the greatest of respect for any athlete who has made it to the Olympics to represent their country, these people regardless of the sport should be congratulated and not put down. However once the sporting / tournament side of any martial art is included into Olympics, that art (and associated arts) are open to public scrutiny and criticism. Respectfully,