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YellowCard84's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. yes! thank you! tHats exactily what i was looking for, now... to find a teacher... hm... If i cannot find a teacher... This may sound EXTREAMLY funny/messed up, but are there any sites online, that give you basic's (tut's?)
  2. I'am Hopefully going to start taking classes, very soon, BUT i need to know witch one i'am looking for!, i'am looking for a defence class in particuller... I have been told there is one that is JUST about how to defend yourself, and how to Reverse everything... But I have not been told witch one... Please help! THANK YOU! -Picc84
  3. Hello everyone, I currently do not take any Martial Arts.. I have joined this community hoping to further my education with the art, and to hopefully Find one that is right for me... Thank You! Ps. Call Me Picc...
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