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KungFu Disciple

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Everything posted by KungFu Disciple

  1. I have started training in leg strength and flexability since I first posted this, and also convinced one of the instructors to have a class during the week that focuses on kicking technique and conditioning. This has really helped me out alot. Just this past weekend I got first place in my division for sparring, and they told me that my kicking has improved 100% I am still sore afterwards, but I can see improvement, so I am pleased.
  2. I am currently training in Northern Mantis. I just began taking a Chi Kung class on the advice of my Sifu, so it can do nothing but help. He is also working with me to modify my weight training to help more with my current fitness level and my M.A. needs.
  3. I spoke with my Sifu, and he suggested that I scale back my workouts a little to let my body heal. He stated that he recognizes that I am in this for the long haul, so instead of blasting into my training like I was, I should "enjoy the journey", and pace myself. I just have to keep in mind that I will never learn all there is to know about my art, so instead of trying to make it to a finish line, I need to set some goals and do what I can to achieve them, and move on to new ones. Thank you for all the replies, they were very helpful.
  4. Thanks for all the replies. I have had to deal with the arthritis all my life, but I don't want it to prevent me from doing what I want to do. I have been focusing on strengthing my legs with leg lifts, leg extensions and hamstring curls. It looks like I have to just keep at it. I probably will scale back my training some, but I always feel guilty when I am not there, like I will miss something important. I guess what they say is true, you are your own worst critic. I just have to accept the fact that any progress I have will be hard earned. But that is the price I have to pay for not staying in shape, and will make the success that much sweeter.
  5. First time poster here. I am 36, and started taking Kung Fu back in March. Lately I have been questioning my ability to be good in the art. I have arthritic knees, and I have been working towards improving their strength and flexability. In all I go to material class five to six times a week, and conditioning class twice a week. I also lift weights during my lunch hour at work three days a week, and try to hit on the heavy bag at home when I have the time. With all of this, I have been disappointed with my progress. My kicks are not as good as I would like, my balance is less than stellar, and I still have problems getting down into a low stance. I enjoy the time I am in class, and do not have a problem learning the material. I just don't see myself improving as far as the implementation of the material goes. I have wondering if I am expecting alot for ony six months of study, or if I just am not very good at it. Anyone have any opinions they wish to share? Thanks for your time!
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