Ok, We have some wonderful debate going on about the existance, and or justification of chi in Christianity, but lets try this from a fundamentalist baptist prospective. First things first "All things are possible through Christ" This is an important concept. "All things" means just that. "Freedom in Christ" is profound. Your intention is important. Do you meditate so you can becaome a more centered person so you can better be utilized for the glory of The Lord Jesus Christ? Or at least something resembling that? I belive I was introduced to a lifetime study of knowing how to hurt people (because at the core, that's what we are doing), by a loving pacifistic God. This is not a contradiction to me. As an Irish redhead, I have a voilently hot temper sometimes. This study, this hobby, this art as taught me pacifism. It has taught me to keep my head, and release energy in a productive, or at least not destructive manner. Knowing how to kill, gives me the freedom not to. This is one of the many gifts from my God. Ironically, some of my best teachers have been raving psychopaths. I practice several forms of meditation (Which means I'm not very good at any of them - Focus young one). Some of these are transcendental in nature. Like I said earlier, I'm a southern baptist, so I believe in a real spirtual struggle here on Earth. I also realize that in God's great universe there are "wondered things to satiate the senses both carnal and spiritual, but its not for the faint at heart." And that there are more things in Heaven and Earth than this redhead knows about. Do demons exist? The bible says so. Have I ever experienced n evil spirit? I believe so. Am I insane? If I were, I wouldn't know it, would I? But I am a good martial artist, so if the possibility of evil exists, I train for it. Isn't that what we do? All of this blowhard philosophy aside, I DO believe that by opening myself up to a universal tao or chi I risk negative spiritual influence by whatever little baddies might live there. I also belive that my Jesus is much more powerful than any creature that might find interest in such an insubstantial wreck of a human being such as myself. The meditation helps me though, so I simply ask my Lord for His protection and guidance, and have faith that He grants it. So far I haven't been possessed and started vomiting pea soup (but again, If I were possessed, would I know it? Would you?) Lots of people spend way too much time trying to make a simple concept difficult. "For God so loved the world (That's you and me), that he gave His only begotten Son, That whosoever (That's you and me again) BELIVES IN HIM, shall not perish, but have everlasting life." Pretty Simple. Just ask for protection and you will get it. "The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao." Lao Tzu. I don't really see a contradiction.