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Everything posted by AndyKS

  1. I started training in shukokai this year and I am 34, several people of similar age also starting, started with my son, which gives me an excuse to have time for myslef, I love it and am very glad I started. Best of luck.
  2. Karate K, Thanks for your reply. In the end, I bought a Samuaria Karate video. Although the Kata's are taken in different series, the demonstartions of them are invaluable and helped me to learn the foundations of Pinan Shodan over the weekend. Thanks again for your reply. Regards Andrew P.S If you do read this, how do I put my belt colour on my porfile, I'm an orange and proud of it!
  3. Apologies if this question has been asked before, I started Shukokai 6 months ago now and am on my Orange belt. My questions are; 1) how different is Shukokai compared to Shito ryu and 2) Can anyone reccoemned a good shukokai video to help learn katas and combinations etc Thanks a lot in advance Andy
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