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PlasmaShock's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. in the tournaments i go to, white belts do one step kumite and yellow belts and up do freestyle. they must be waering mouthguards and protective gloves. for kata, and level can participate. the only reqirement is that you wear a gi and you trained for at least a couple of months.
  2. if i had to choose between kanku dai and enpi i would choose enpi. the only thing is the jump. i can do it but i cant get my legs tucked together properly. what happens is one leg tucks then when the other leg comes up, the other one drops to the ground. when i fully learn kanku dai, i would have to decide on which one i would choose. kanku dai is probably the most important one because all the the heian katas were developed from kanku dai.
  3. i meant to add that the dedication of the person will greatly affect the style they practise(for their own sake). so if the style is great for self defence, they work hard and develope a good sense of street knowledge, they will probably be good at self defence. its also the teacher that affects how you train too. if you have a good instructor that motivates you, helps you, then you will likely train alot on your own time.
  4. right now im at 4th kyu so im on tekki shodan. i already know bassai dai, bassai sho, empi, a bit of kanku dai and parts of other black belt katas. for my test i have to do tekki shodan. then i have to do bassai dai for my test after tekki shodan. i could ask my sensei for more details and stuff.
  5. i meant the JKA shotokan style. in my dojo it goes: white: heian shodan yellow: heian nidan orange: heian sandan green: heian yondan purple: heian godan 2nd purple: tekki shodan 1st brown: bassai dai. if any of you guys have a system like this or the jka, please tell me what you have to do for the other brown belt levels or if you have to do the the other tekkis.
  6. ok so for shotokan, usually you have to do the five heian katas for the first 5 kyus. then tekki shodan for second purple and bassai dai for 1st brown. but what about tekki nidan, sandan, and bassai sho? what levels do you have to do them for? i think i heard my sensei saying that in my dojo, you have to do tekki nidan or sandan, or bassai sho for the other brown levels. what do you guys have to do?
  7. my sensei trained for a couple of years in judo and he sometimes teaches us judo techniques a treat when everyone is working hard. i think judo or aikido would go pretty good because jiu-jitsu has kicking techniques and punches where as judo and aikido have almost none.
  8. katas are what set karate apart from kickboxing and muay thai. katas are ways of practising kihon, imaginative kumite, and perfecting speed, power, body transition and dynamics. with out kata, karate would just be a sport. it also annoys me when people ask if they can skip kata and go strait to sparring or kumite.
  9. In my school, the average is about 5-8 years depending on how much you train and if sensei thinks you should test. once you hit the purble belts, sensei requires that you train at least 6-8 months before testing for second purple and brown belts. For black belt, he requires that you train at least 15 months before testing.
  10. i think its the martial artist and how they train. not the style.
  11. I seen a couple of episodes of that show. the women trains in goju ryu in montreal. she travels to different countries to learn different martial arts. i dont why they stopped playing it though.
  12. Heres the sylabus(sorry for the spelling error): Kata: -Tekki Shodan Kihon(basics): -step in punching -rising block reverse punch -outside block, elbow strike, backfist, reverse punch(combo) -knife hand block, front leg front snap kick, spear hand strike(combo) -double front kicks(not jumping) -double roundhouse kicks(not jumping) -side snap kicks in kiba dachi stance(horse or side stance) -side thrust kicks in horse stance Combinations: -roundhouse kick, side thrust kick, reverse punch(off the same leg) -sensei might throw in another one(depedning on how we're doing) One-step Kumite(sparring): -step in punch other side rising blocks and reverse punch -step in punch body other side outside blocks and reverse punch -front kick and blocked by downward block -side thrust kick(block of any choice), reverse punch -spinning back kick(block of any choice), reverse punch thats about it. sometimes the sensei doing the grading changes stuff around a bit. i guess you'd have to be there to understand some of the things if you don't train in karate or shotokan.
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