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Everything posted by Dracula

  1. Some people think of kata as useless, others as a spiritual exercise. I think kata is at the essence of the traditional art and though someone may prefer kumite, kata is equally important cause it keeps balance, you cannot have one without the other.
  2. Dracula

    Goju Ryu

    1st to 9th that is a huge jump. You know loearning the history like of a style or of Masters is always interesting, anyone know some cool goju ryu history that they can post?
  3. Dracula

    Goju Ryu

    Kivikala wrote: wat is a brachiomorphic and a dolichomorphic? I have never heard those terms before
  4. Dracula

    Goju Ryu

    Wat's the difference between shotokan and goju ruy?
  5. Dracula

    Goju Ryu

    kivikala would you ever consider going back to Goju Ryu now that things have improved?
  6. Club: Oriental Arts Academy Place:Sudbury, Ontario Sensei: Sensei Tonon
  7. Dracula

    Goju Ryu

    Ya i can't wait to learn a kata like saifa cause i have seen it done by some of the higher belts and it looks real interesting. As for examples of hard soft i am unable to give examples as P.A.L requested cause im still learning and im still distinguishing between them. There is still a long road to walk to reach the my next level (green belt).
  8. Dracula

    Goju Ryu

    to me hard/soft gives u more of an option ur not totally going going in the one direction but more mixing them together so depending on the situation u can go hard or soft or just mix the 2 type thing
  9. Dracula

    Goju Ryu

    I'm an orange belt belt now and i also study goju ryu, i find its an excellent style especially since its a mix of hard soft. My favourite kata so far is geki sai ichi. I train under Sensei Tonon in sudbury
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