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Everything posted by sonofkanga

  1. IMHO,ask your current Sensei. Talk to him about your feelings on this issue. you are both grownups,so sort it out as such.
  2. minimum of 90 training sessions between ranks,for mudansha. minimum of one year for NiDan Two for SanDan Three for YonDan
  3. This is a real must,explaining the philosophical foundations of Kyokushin Karate. http:// http://budokarate.com/book.htm
  4. I strongly suggest you take an in depth look at Japanese culture, history and philosophy before sitting in judgment on sayings from the 1920's. There is a huge difference between the ideal of the saying and actual course of action stemming from this ideal.
  5. To continue with your analogy... Do people spend 3 years writing only in capitals before they are allowed to use lowercase letters? Its the same with combat. Why spend 3 years doing blocks that need to be modified to actually be of any use? Sure you learn body movement etc, but practice the actual technique how it will be used and the lessons learnt will be much more applicable. Yeah,probably why i study KYOKUSHIN. Combat application and adaption from day one,with consistent training in the basics. Kyokushin baka ichi dai [edited for spelling errors]
  6. Would you consider writing a book or anything with only Capital letters? The basic blocks are just that,basic.They are intended to teach you full movement and full utilization of body power.most of them need adaption to work with a non compliant partner.
  7. wealy,dadadadon't dinkso
  8. Try:google http:// http://www.kyokushin4life.com/
  9. try searching for BKK or IKF or kyokushin .co.uk
  10. the round kick-mawashi geri was introduced into karate in the thirtys by gigo funakoshi. Kyokushin is Sosai Oyama's own unique blend of his MA expirienceswith the base being shotokan and goju .kyokushin was the only japanese MA that took up the thai challange in the mid sixties with spectacular results. execution is the same,hight and point of impact are different in uchi/soto mawashi geri and kakato otoshi geri.
  11. try -andy hug was well known for his kakatootoshi in kyokushin and K-1 tournaments. filho has used them as well as feitosa. so it depends on your ability.
  12. As i have stated before Kata is done for: 1.tradition 2.fun 3.uniformity 4.self training tool all the rest is embelishment
  13. sonofkanga


    Try youtube.com using search word:kata.
  14. Kata is a tool.No more and no less. I don't subscribe to the too deadly thing.but they are what makes Oriental MA different. They are as scribtures for anciet religions.
  15. The saying:"ICHI GEKI HISSATSU".Means that your fighting atitude is to finnish it as quickly as possible,not to start with searching blows but to advance with a mind set on finnishing the fight. It does not imply that a fight will not go on longer.Nor does it imply that my blows are too deadly to make contact in training.
  16. just keep on training. As you have just begun your journey,have patience. most skills take time to be proficiant in. remember,there are no shortcuts.
  17. if you are doing your karate frequently you don't realy need the crunches,as your midsection is getting a proper workout-as in core conditioning. all karate movements emphesise a strong pelvic motion. this movement is facilitated by the:rectus abdominus ,oblique major and minor , quadratum lumborum ,multifibius. so you can not get any better than that. this way you are strengthening them in a practical movement that will enhance your performance.something you will never get wiyh crunches.
  18. Actually there is the minor effect of too much protein which can cause kidney failure. Otherwise you are quite correct.
  19. 1.The ammount you pay has nothing to do with the quality of instruction. You expect the instructor to be a competant professional that participates in an ongoing training system.You would like him to be part of a big organization. All this costs money,and someone has to pay. 2.As a Japanese MA fan I find it hard to follow all the lineage stated on the website.To me it is just about par the course for most U.S. Martial arts school.Which does not say anything on the quality of instruction . Payments and regular U.S.M.A. statements do not qualify for McDojo status. That with some more parameters could. Anyway, if you enjoy the training what difference does it make?
  20. 1.Every time we practice Kata i surch for 3 different meanings of each movement. 2.break up the kata into different segments thus changing the application. 3.introduce throws and takedowns. 4.work wiyh a patrner on sequences. always use common sense while keeping an open mind for new ideas
  21. talk to your schools Sensei about your feelings.You could probably work out together a speededup program tailored sepcialy for you.
  22. To each his own I supose. in Kyokushin karate under Sosai Oyama my Sensei Mr. R.Catz received his 4th dan after 6 years of trainning. Matsui graded for 5th dan before he was thirty. as did Midori.To name only a few. Time by itself is an unsuficiat parameter for judging abilty or reliability.
  23. Some techniques may be unique to Wado,these are not good examples as they are universal in name as well in many japanese MA.
  24. agree on that. I personaly know quite a few in our organization that attained 5th dan before the age of thirty. I know of one individual who received shodan in one year.But he trained three times a day every day, two hour long sessions.
  25. Suggest you contact someone in the vicinity of your japanese adress. If in tokyo by all means try out the ICHIGEKI building. Kyokushin(iko1) do Kyokushin and MMA.
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