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mmalover's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)



  1. Elbows & Knees - I've read your other posts and you seem quite knowledgeable and experienced about fighting. I am thinking of taking up martial arts for self-defense. So I am looking to study something that is street effective. I only have time for one martial art and there arent a lot of schools in my area. So here's my question: Do you think Judo or BJJ is more street practical and effective? And could you explain why you believe one is better than the other? I guess I am buying into much of the BJJ viewpoint that most fights will end up on the ground. That has been my experience when I was a child. But the judo guys say that a good judo man will not be taken to the ground so easily. Thanks for your thoughts, in advance. Anyone else who wishes to reply to the post with their thoughts and reasoning are also very welcome!
  2. Could you go into more detail on your experiences which led to your conclusion that judo might be more useful than BJJ? Much appreciated in advance!
  3. Thanks for all the info guys! Have any of you actually utilized judo or BJJ in a fight (or known someone who has). And if yes, did you find the art useful and could you elaborate with details? Also, are there other martial styles that you guys feel might be even more useful for self defense than judo or BJJ?
  4. Thanks guys. Unfortunately, I only have time and money for one. The judo classes are cheaper but my priority is learning something street effective. If BJJ is more street effective then I'd much rather take that than judo. Also the judo classes dont require me to sign a contract or anything like that, while the BJJ courses require at least 6 month commitment. But these are secondary issues for me. My main question is what do you guys think is more street effective between those two? And why?
  5. I'm new to the whole MMA thing and martial arts, in general. My main goal is to learn something that is street effective. I know the ideal is to be well rounded in all aspects of fighting, but there aren't any MMA specific schools in my area. And I'm not looking to enter the UFC anyway. I just want to learn a grappling style that can help me defend myself. I am primarily deciding between judo and Brazilian jiu-jitsu. Here are my questions: 1. Do you think judo is an effective form of self-defense (even w/o gi)? 2. Which is better for the street, judo or BJJ? And why? Your thoughts are most welcome and appreciated.
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