I want to take up a MA and I seem to like the idea of Kickboxing. I'm over 6ft with a v big build and I heard Kickboxing can make you a proper hard as nailz. Would kickboxing be good for if you ever got into a street fight? Taking into account both techniques learnt, as well as speed strength and stamina gained from the training. By streetfighting i'm strongly implying multiple attackers, 1on1 attacks are very rare where I live its always 4 or more who attack you. Is Kickboxing effective against this? Is there a better art to defend against this? Also, I like Muay Thai in that it uses Knees and elbows as I believe these would be very practical and useful, but I dont want to use shins to kick (which is what turned me to regular kickboxing). Is there a way of learning Kickboxing but with knees and elbows as well (ie Muay Thai but with normal kicks not shins)? Thx for help