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  • Interests
    Martial arts obviously, movies, traveling, nature, science, yada yada...

circa02's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. My price range is up to $100, yeah I know, but I'm poor.
  2. Crap, I just checked, and it's way out of my price range.
  3. I re-checked what's nearby, and there's a dojo for Kempo, and that looks right up my alley.
  4. I'm not saying I reject violence in relation to martial arts; I just prefer not to leave lasting damage. I guess that's why I'm going to visit a nearby Aikido dojo, but I've heard it takes like decades before it can be used practically for defensive purposes.
  5. It seems to be, based on my research, that the best arts which both meet my criteria and are easy to find, are some styles of both Kung fu and Karate.
  6. I've recently re-evaluated my position on what type of practical martial art I want to pursue. I've always preferred using grappling arts, for 2 reasons; it doesn't rely on my own strength, and it's considered less violent. But in my past dojo experiences, grappling, that is, attacking joints, is more violent then striking, because with the former, it's much more likely to break bones and to cause serous injury. Whereas with strikes, except for styles like boxing, the strikes aren't meant to be about just bludgeoning your attacker to a pulp, just into submission. But ofcourse there's situations where grappling is the only recourse, so could anyone offer me some advice on what style that uses strikes in a non bludgeoning way, which also offers at least some grappling skills? Thanks.
  7. Does anyone know what's the youngest age a student ever attained a 5fth degree black belt, in any art?
  8. I know this is a juvenile question, but I just have to ask. I know there's no way to get a definitive answer, but who would you nominate as the greatest martial artist/fighter who actually existed? People who have reliable documented accounts of, say single handily defeating the largest amount of combatants who attacked at the same time. Yes I know that that virtually never works, but I'm willing to bet that is has to have happened some time in history. Try to keep the snickers and eye rolls to a minimum please.
  9. I have some questions regarding this obscure art. Does it teach to defend against multiple attackers? Against weapons? can it be an effective street art? Thanks.
  10. Is there any practical grappling defense arts that are actually very affective against multiple attackers?
  11. No, not AT the dojo. I mean in real life; angry people scare me.
  12. I have studied the martial arts first hand for about 5 years, and have read about it for many more. I wish to "get back in the game" some time in the future, but there's a big problem standing in my way; rage terrifies me. Any time I come across someone who is really mad at me, I freeze up, I can't even think well enough to move a muscle. How can I ever advance with this obstacle? My old teacher always used to tell me that fighting is 90 percent mental, and only 10 percent physical. I guess my problem is a testament to that. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  13. Does anyone know of any realistic ninja movie, like the Shinobi no mono series? The next question is, are any of them available on netflix?
  14. *slaps forhead* Well at least you know what I meant LOL
  15. Can anyone please point me too movies that contain the following: -A sword fight where the two opponents heave two swords each, as in two in each hand. -A good showing of the 3 Sectional Staff -A hand to hand fight that's realistic (I mean, as realistic as it can get in a martial arts movie) Thanks in advance. Mike
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