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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    currently mantis kungfu and some karate
  • Location
    i am standing right behind you
  • Interests
    kungfu, movies, martial arts philosophy books
  • Occupation

masterintraining's Achievements

Orange Belt

Orange Belt (3/10)



  1. i study mantis kung-fu now ide guess ba ji quan, or san-shou possibly some MMA
  2. during a drunk driving test. during a lullaby to a baby at a retirement home. in a room of over stressed people during the communion service when reading a book and trying to make a specific part more exciting, but while your at a library. while trying to sneek past a angry sleeping bear. at a insane asylum in a avalanche zone when blowing your nose during a roll call for crazy man-eating martial artists thats all i can think of but add on as many more as u like, lets keep this going.
  3. a new begining. it meens i start over as a student. im the same as when i first walked through the doors. only differance is now i can pass own wat i no to ones who havent restarted.
  4. Okay ive heard so many rumors about this styles the main one i keep hearin is that its a internal style made specifically for assasination.(sumthin no other style of kungfu has been heard of doing, since kungfu is suppose to be the way of hard work, and to stop war) though this is the most widley heard story, it contradicts itself because the white lotus society was a peaceful religous sect. sum people translates it to bak mei style also known as pai mei style( yes the legendary one who was in kill bill vol.2), because he was said to be a member of that society but betrayed them. which might meen that his style is this assasination style. but at the same time,bak mei techniques dont resemble anything of a assasination style. there are some schools who are called white lotus but most of them dont hav any link to the orginal style. if anyone can give me any information about this style weather it is extinct( which is what i thought it was) or not.
  5. okay me and my friends hav recently started trying to film stunt films. aside from martial arts expirence none of us hav any experince doing them. there is no film class around here for them. and we cant enroll in film schol yet being the oldest we are is 16. anyone have any web links or help for us please. if u want sum evidence of are horrible work go to https://www.youtube.com/pedro90 any help at all will do thanks.
  6. it seems like u keep hearing people put down kung-fu. but yet no1 wants to look at wong kiew kit's aproach to it. he breaksdown how to sparr effectivly using kung-fu( the same way boxers and karate-ka do) and then shows u how it works. i believe if more people listened to his method we would hav less pronlems with kung-fu effectivness. i meen the guy has used long-sword to sparr katana, has taught how to fight against other styles. and his best but most un heard of (probley to help out UFC) waz when he was challenged by the gracia family and won, though the fight was never filmed. if u have never seen wong kiew kit's approach to sparring, then go to https://www.wongkk.com/discussions/sparring.html
  7. okay this may sound a tad bit little kidish but i have always liked the gloves ryu, ken, and akuma use in streetfighter, but i dont no wat kind of gloves they are, if any1 nose please tell me, also a link to were i can buy those types of gloves would be well appreciated
  8. HAPPY NEWYEAR finally its 2008 resolution anyone?
  9. http://youtube.com/watch?v=6HGNa4utkkk&feature=related i forgot he sings but he is very good. guess the martial ats career keeps him to preoccupied to really go anywere with it.
  10. no im not cussing its really the name of a film by the zero gravity stunt team, i found it very funny even if it was jus a expiriement. but see for urself. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)
  11. i had to be with my mom when she got my video camera to start my stunt films, but aside from that i have not even seen where she has everythin. witch is not sumthin my mom can normally hide from me that well, so i had first thought she did not get me anything. hopefully though i get a lil sumthin.
  12. i hear u there man. evn though school iz important when it comes to the wii, sumtimes u need to take a breather from all that work.
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