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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Muay Thai
  • Location
    Toronto Canada
  • Interests
    Martial Arts
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OFF's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. There is suposed to be a grading test in order to get to blue shorts - thats were all the fun begins . I am a yellow short now(beginer) and what we do is learn the proper stance, proper way to hit. Yellow shorts don't spar only work with partners, condition and heavy bag exercices. Once you get to blue shorts more compicated technique is showed by our cru and you have spar days when you go and spar other blue shorts or higher. The colors are yellow - blue- red - black (if i'm not mistaken ) I've heard the test is kinda hard and you have to be realy prepared to pass it. It's organised 4 times a year only. I will talk with an instructor more about the test - what do you have to know and i guess figure out if i'm ready or not. Am I the only one who is grading ? How is your structure in your dojos?
  2. Hi everyone. I've been training in Muay Thai for 5 months now. Yesterday I've heard that in a month there will the blue shorts testing and who wants should sing up. I was just wondering how much time do you need to be training in order to be able to pass that test and what is on the test itself? I feel comfortable with the things I've been taught and worked a lot on the heavy bag and on my technique. I train 3-4 times a week usually and do a lot of shadow boxing at home.
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