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Everything posted by lees_tkd

  1. The way I was able to do the splits was to stretch. I was actually naturally flexible so it wasn't that hard for me. But, I could still lose my flexibility. So my favorite stretch is to put my leg up as high as it'll go on a wall and stech forward. Gradually, your foot will go up higher and higher. >Britt
  2. Everyone has made good points. But I think that if the person has truly learned what they need to learn and they have the right attitude, and they of course pass testing requirements, then they should become a balck belt. I became a black belt when I was 10 years old. It took me about 2.5 years to get my first dan. Like Heather Smyth said, I don't get special treatment because I'm young. If they're/you're not ready to have the belt, then you should wait to give/recieve a black belt. But if the person is ready, then they shouldn't be denied the great opportunity. >Britt
  3. Hmm, I liked The Best of the Best 1(the acting sucked but it had good martial arts). I also like Hero, Romeo Must Die, and Jackie Chan's Who Am I? >Britt
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