Yes, Sensei Adams wrote the Yellow Book. I have about 30 copies of it and I still use it to this day. Sensei Adams was my Instructor. Sensei Adams was promoted to Godan in Eugue Ryu and he was also a Godan in Judo. I was teaching Karate for awhile but... I enjoyed Judo much more and you dont see many schools. So, my focus is on Judo now. I like the idea that Sensei Adams made every take a yaer of Judo before they could ttest for their Black Belt. I think more Dojos should that. I encourge my Judo student to study Karate also for thier Black Belt in Judo. I think cross training is very important. I think Eugue Ryu has a lot more to offer then Tae Kwon Do. I love the Eugue system. I wish theor wer omore dojos out there. It is hard to keep students in Eugue Ryu because Tae Kwon Do promotes students to Black Belt within 3 years and you can be 8 years old to be a Black Belt. Sensei Adams believe that someone needed to be at least 16 years old to be a Black Belt. At age 7 your body isnt develop yet. I leran much more then Judo/Karate from Sensei Adams. He taught that Martial Arts is a way of life. Now has a Judo Instructor with 6 Dojo and over 300 students. I teach the same as Sensei Adams taught me. It is a way of life. Sensei Adams was my hero and mentor. Mark Hunter Sandan - Eugue Ryu Rokyudan - Judo Rokudan - Ju Jitsu