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mid life crisis

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Everything posted by mid life crisis

  1. Club: Lewisburg Martial Arts Academy Instructor: Sensei Marty Williams (4th Dan Shotokan) Location Lewisburg West Virginia USA
  2. My favorite kata is Heian Yondan. Slow and powerful to start but with some brutal and fast sequences.
  3. My Sensei uses, almost exclusively, english in our training. (i.e. downward block, lunge punch, front snap kick etc.)Does anyone else do this. In going to another dojo I found it very difficult to follow along. Luckily after explaining my problem to the Sensei he "translated" for me. But I was somewhat embarrased and wondered if I was missing something important.
  4. I went to a class and spoke to the instructor about possibly observing the class and was instead very graciously invited to participate in the class. (I had brought my gi with me just in case) I found the experience to be very beneficial in many ways. The Sensei was excellent and very helpful. Should anyone be in the Waikerie SA area I would highly recommend contacting Sensei Matthews. Thanks for all the input and advice!
  5. It's NEVER too late!! I'm 41 and wieghed 260 lbs when I started. I'm still 41 but now weigh 215 and am still dropping. One sensei in my dojo started at over 300 lbs and was a grandfather!
  6. When I started My martial arts training it was to facilitate a lifestyle change for me. A large part of that was to cut out fast food. Now my wife and I go out to dinner maybe once a month as a treat. I've lost 35 lbs just by controlling what I eat better and exercise. It's hard to do but well worth the effort. Your Dr. can help you with a more comprehensive diet plan and exercise recommendations. Start slow with small adjustments and go from there. Good Luck and keep us posted!
  7. We do some informal bunkai at my school after class mostly the more advanced students explaining and showing the less advanced.
  8. The dojo is in Waikerie, South Australia. My sensei was unsure about how to get in touch and offered to write a letter of introduction for me. As I said I have been unable to get in touch via email at the address I found on the internet.
  9. I am traveling to Australia at the end of June and will be visiting another dojo there. I have tried to get in touch with the sensei with no luck. Does anyone have any advice on proper etiquette for visiting another dojo. I am a student of Shotokan Karate.
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