Some people (I will not list names) start their own style and give themselves a 5th dan and hand out blackbelts to other people to make their club look good, I could make my style calles Walkingdowntheroad and give myself a 7th dan at it, it is disrespectful to the whole of martial arts, it gives it no purpose what so ever
Some senseis give students belts just for turning up, i do not agree with that because it is like when they get their black belt they will think they are brilliant and when they start freefighting they will get their arsed kicked by a lower grade, what are your opinions?
Hello, Im new to the forum, Heres a bit about myself, I have terrible english, Train under Hanshi Asano (9th dan) i am a 1st knu and has won 3 competitionsand had a 3rd in judgement day, Hope to make a lot of buddies, Later
I go to the Senior class with all the 1st 2nd 3rd and 4th and even 5th dans and i am only 1st kyu... and he is a good 9th dan, he trained under Kirokazu Kanazawa (Only 10th dan in the world, The best)
I do shotokan as you can see from my name I would say my faviorites are kanku sho (2nd dan) Chinte (3rd dan) and Unsu wich I use for competitions and have won 4 so far (3rd in judgement day) anyway, unsu, great kata, A 360 jump and its 4th dan kata and i am only 1st kyu
He does these tecniques in combinations and he asks you to do them SLOW 5 times, then when you have done that you have to do the lightning fast and everybody gets mixed up (No offence but i don't have a clue what he says because his english is terrible)