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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
  • Location
    Massachusetts, United States
  • Interests
    poodles, poodles, Uechi-Ryu Karate, poodles, Canine Showmanship, Canine Obedience, poodles, poodles
  • Occupation
    high school student

Hyatt's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. I'm posted a bit already but I'd like to introduce myself - I take Uechi-Ryu style classes, and alongside that I am learning how to show dogs in conformation/showmanship and I also worked with one of my principal's Miniature Poodles in obedience, this all learned at school. (Lucy the poodle thinks Sanchin's a game!) I checked out many of the articles and such - these forums are really nice. Glad to be here. ;D
  2. Hyatt


    Here's a list of the movements in Nijiroku and its history if you're interested. Yeah, it's quite rare to see it performed at dojos - it's not official but I find it quite useful.
  3. Hyatt

    First Lesson

    McDojo is a term used by some martial artists to describe a martial arts school where image or profit is of a higher importance than technical standards. A McDojo of Korean martial arts is usually called a McDojang. (Sourced Wikipedia) Thanks. I'm reading about it now; but it's quite upsetting to know that many "instructors" are con-artists...
  4. Hyatt

    First Lesson

    I've never heard of Wado-Ryu. This style seems pretty interesting; I might read up about it. Your first classes kind of remind me of my first classes in Uechi-Ryu, (in the summer the classes became smaller so the Senseis were able to help me more.) Good luck with your future lessons! By the way, what is a "McDojo?" Just askin'.
  5. Hyatt


    I'm new here. /whistle Well, I wanted to know if other dojos along with the one I attend practice Nijuroko (26 Movements) created by George E. Mattson. It's not an official Uechi kata but it is an exercise. It mostly puts emphasis on balance and it prepares the students for Kanchu, basically. (As a Green Belt at the dojo I attend, I had learned this before I began to learn Kanchu.) Your thoughts?
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