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Everything posted by the.theory1

  1. no >.> thanks
  2. Okay, so I need some pants that im able to stretch in while im fighting... Any help? Cause I can hardly find anything at all for pants... Thanks. By the way, not gi pants, like, yes gi pants but stretchy ones.
  3. oh, yeah, i passed last saturday.
  4. I'm testing for my purple belt this saturday, and I'm sourt of worried, I hope i'll do fine, but the thing is my terminology that they give us, I can hardly remember it. I only remember bits and peices... Ugh, wish me luck.
  5. "The Martial Arts disciplines that make up the core of Ken-Ryu Kenpo. Alan D'Allessandro has taken some of the best elements and techniques of several martial arts disciplines, his own material, and material from the different Kenpo styles he has studied to develop this system. Taken form the "Judo" discipline is the skill to take down or upset the balance of an attacker. The "Jujitsu" aspects are joint locks, armbars, pins, traps, as well as striking. Pure power vs. power and direct movement found in "Karate", and the multiple strike combinations and extensive footwork taken from "Kenpo" and "Kick-Boxing". Topping off this system is the fluid movements and animal techniques that are found in the "Kung Fu" discipline. The format of this system is structured to progressively develop the students utilizing the proper balance of upper body vs. lower body usage, starting out with basic Karate and working in Kenpo,and incorporating material fom each discipline as the student progresses in rank." Taken directly off of my Shihan's site. http://www.alandallessandrokarate.com http://www.neka1.com
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