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smiles's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. here is more info: She said he was former military. judging by how he handled things I think he has seen combat! He seemed way to young to have a step daughter of that age so his wife would be older.
  2. Please forgive me for this has nothing to do with martial Arts. Me and my wife are Hurrican Katrina survivors who owe our lives to a man and his step daughter. I have tried to find them for a while now by searching on gun, knife, and martial arts forums. We left our home because of the increasing threat of armed looters and a lack of food and water. We soon came across a young lady about 20yrs old armed with a GPS and satalite phone that her step dad demanded she keep in her car. She told us she was in contact with her step dad and he was coming to get her. We decided to stay together and I was hoping he would help us to. We decided to hide in a vacent building and wait for him. On the second night gun fire was very heavy and I was looking out a window trying to spot trouble befor it got to close. I then heard a man behind me yelling for me to get down and show him my hands. I thought he was a armed looter until He said were is my daughter. The girl came running from the back room and gave him a big huge. she told him we helped her so he let me up. I then got a good look at him and seen he was very young to have a step daughter but had a stocky build. He was in full military gear and had an assalt rifle of some kind. he took us to a shelter that was being supplied with water quite often. On the way he was forsed to fire on armed looters several times to protect us. The only names I got was scott and tiffany.
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