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dook sau

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Everything posted by dook sau

  1. minje go differently mine go white,green,yellow,red,blue,black with stripes in between
  2. dw,i do it,i was just wonderin if u heard of it
  3. isnt san shou cantonese for "full contact" tho?
  4. i'd prefer to loose a fight in a ring,than loose a fight in a street to a gang of thugs who might kill me,i think real situations count more
  5. when bruce lee taught he was always worried that people would think things had to b dun a certain way,however to get the most out of JKD it is better to have another style as a base line and build upon it.and JKD means "the way of intercepting fists" but bruce later rreted giving it a name
  6. lol yes the old fasioned way lol apparently u hear ur bones rip if u do it hard enough
  7. my si fu broke away from the main body of kung fu and formed his own association "fung yang sau kung fu association"p.s. i would stick with my si fu
  8. cool u do jeet kune do what is it like?(i also read the tao of jeet kune do ^_^)
  9. i beleive u become a master when u have nothing left to learn,but there is always something to learn soo........
  10. i think ill stick with my si fu,si fu darryl cross
  11. i have one but aint used it that much,personaly i prefer the old hard way
  12. personaly i like high kicks they can end a bad situation fast
  13. well bruce lee figured out a way to do both,dont ask how because i didnt read that article but if u look round u should find away
  14. there are no best stances,only better stances for different situations,bruce lee took horse stance out when he made jeet kune do because he saw it as usless
  15. bruce lee was and still is inspirational.i would sugest you tube,i already know his lost interview is on there
  16. san shou is full contact sparring,has anyone heard of darryl cross?
  17. one thing u can never hope to achieve is mastering kung fu because its so big,but i beleive northern styles include praying mantis aswell but a different approach than southern.not that im an expert or anything.(in my kung fu class it goes white,green,yelow,red,blue,black but in the adults class which i go to they dont include green so im yellow)
  18. i dont know why but when i sparr with someone i keep imitating snake style i find its movements comfortable and i suppose thats what counts although i do wish my si fu wouldnt keep bringing it up lol
  19. has anybody heard or trained in this li family style?
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