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Envys Ulitmate Fan

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Everything posted by Envys Ulitmate Fan

  1. Ok I wanted to know if anybody had any information on a schol or ninjutsu teacher in La. You help would be truely appreciated
  2. Huh; I can see where they might be dangerous. Shinto, does anyone know what that relidgion is because I do not have a relidgion and I'd like to adopt it with whats left of my heart...Ninjutsu, that's the art I would like to be taught. But like I said there are no instructors out this way and I'm only 15.
  3. Should you think about anything inparticular like a forest or somewhere when meditaing...I've herd some people take spiritual quests when meditating does that work?
  4. i think that's really cool! All that is so true; espeacially the part about being loyle to your master...
  5. Does it really work? I try; I really do but i can't seem to meditate. I think i preform 'walking meditation' when I'm out walking and I do not pay atteintion to my surroundings I just think but if you are getting readt for a fight, whould meditation help? if so, how would you do so? \
  6. There are no martial arts dojos where I'm from (Winnfield) *glomps*
  7. I have been trying to learn how to preform them but what are the breathing and sitting poses?
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