I play nearly every day & have for the last 20 odd years. Mainly acoustic but also electric. I play a lot of Pink Floyd, Roy Harper & finger picking on acoustic. Black sabbath, Metalica etc on electric.
can i ask you where you ordered it? Hi benyx, I ordered the book online from Amazon.co.uk. Im sure you can get it from Amizon.com also. Mine cost £21.00 with free P&P. Here is a link from Amazon.com. Hope this is helpful http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/search-handle-url/102-6744959-8463368?%5Fencoding=UTF8&dym=0&search-type=ss&index=stripbooks%3Arelevance-above&field-keywords=karate Scott
Many thanks for all of you answers. I have just ordered a copy of "Karate Do Kyohan" & look forward to its arrival. Something I have just remembered, I think the reverse punch is jodan in taikyoku nidan & chudan in taikyoku shodan. What I cant remember is what the URA means.
My next grading will be for 5Th Kyu. The kata for this grading is Heian Yondan. My sylubus book also refers to Taikyoku Nidan Ura. I have recently started training again after a break of 3-4 years & I cant remember learning Taikyoku Nidan Ura. What is this kata. Is it similar to Taikyoku shodan. Many thanks in advance.
Hi there Im new to the forum so please be patient. I have recently started training again after a 4 year break. Prior to this I trained for 4 years. Im 39 years old & train in Shotokan. At the moment I am 6th kyu. Reading through some of the posts, this looks like a great forum.