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  • Martial Art(s)
    Shaolin Kempo
  • Location
    Boston, MA

EmrldWepn's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. As we are in a martial ARTS forum, I was curious if there were any others are into fine arts as well? Me? I love to draw. Graphite B&W only so far - usually either surreal pictures or portraits. And some animals too as of late. Been drawing slightly longer then I've been in martial arts even. If I said I'd been drawing for 27ish years that would make me feel old, so I won't say that. Kind of a sub question - has your fine art ever influenced your martial arts or vice versa?
  2. Hello all. So I'm replacing my sparring hand and foot pads, buying online using combatsports.com. Has anyone used that site and do they seem okay? Does anyone else have any suggestions for where to buy the Macho Warrior gear? Its running at $30 for the hand pads and $25 for the foot gear which seems about standard.
  3. I know this is major thread necromancy but I havent been on here in a couple months. Oops! If you take the Kim Murry classes outside of a school be careful to read the contracts about billing very carefully! I got burned because I didnt. Students were required to pay ahead of time (by two months) so when I found out I was moving out of NY, I still had to pay for a month I never even was there. Not a good experience. As far as classes themselves I can't comment. I was only there for 3 months. I have studied martial arts for years and never came across a billing contract quite like that. Oh well. Good luck!
  4. Where I study they start teaching "slapping out" at an early level, however they start easily. They have the students crouch all the way down and simply roll back and slap out in order to get the right timing. Once they do that, you stand a little higher and a little higher. Even after all these years I cant simply let myself fall backwards from a standing position, but I have no problems with takedowns. That might be a way to ease yourself into it. Helps get you used to that falling sensation as well as getting your body used to what to do so you're not flailing randomly.
  5. I've had the same black belt for 9 years now and the spots were it gets tied are quite gray and the black materiel is getting a wee bit frayed. I like the look and plan to keep the belt until I am unable to wear it anymore. I simply sew on the new stripes as I earn them, how ever I will replace old stripes should one start coming off.
  6. Surprisingly to me, I've found myself in similar situation. Someone thought I cut them off, followed me and when I finally stopped and got out they came almost right up to me spazzing out. I didn't feel like I was in any real danger, but I did feel my body tense up in a nervous fashion... not in a ready to fight fashion. I've been studying for many years now and was quite amazed (not in a good way) at myself. I definitley think the above posts have alot of good advice too. Its tough to work on, but can be just as important as the regular training.
  7. Mystery color ketchup is awesome! These remind me of one of the FarSide comics: "Failed Marketing Ploys" I cuss, you cuss, we all cuss for asparagus With a "ice cream" truck with an asparagus stalk head sticking out of the top of the cab.
  8. I totally agree with your point and its something that takes a long time to learn. A fight may last just a few seconds but you have to decide just how far you need to take it usually after the first strike. You don't want to go too light just to have them come after you again and at the same time, you don't want to be breaking their arm in 4 places when a simple punch would have knocked the sense back into them.
  9. Where I study, we have sort of a guideline as to the next level for your response. As with each case, the goal is always to stop the attack. If you simply block and they give up, great. If you have to hit them, so be it. If you really must incapacitate, while perhaps unfortunate, sometimes you just might have to to keep yourself safe. In any case, the evolution is: Avoid before you check Check before you block Block before you strike Strike before you Maim Maim before you kill As the above posters said, every situation and attacker can be different and its up to the students to determine what amount of force is needed to stop the attack to the point of becoming safe.
  10. I always do mine. Usually it only took about an hour for both Fed and State but this year with itemized deductions it was a fair bit longer.
  11. As with most karate studios, mine offers a regular line of sparring gear. The set I have however, I purchased out in Rochester NY (I live around Boston) over 7 years ago. As most is still in fair condition, I want to stay with the same brand and style. My studio normally doesn't carry this particular line but can order it. The rub is the fact that I know a local store that sells all sorts of martial arts gear where I can actually get it cheaper. The place was recommended to me by a former instructor (from when I was in a whole different school, so not like he was trying to undermine my current place) and I've shopped there before. I'm not sure how to play it. I know everyone says "support your school", especially when I do enjoy it, but I also know I can get this stuff around $5-10 cheaper on my own and given we're talking only about $30, thats a fair chunk of change. (if this belongs in the equip category, I apologize. Just seemed like a general enough question that's not about gear itself)
  12. Thanks for the help though! Once I get my gift cards (yay moving bonus!) I'll pick up the supplies and set to work on making them and hope they turn out okay!
  13. I wonder if they mean largest "Official" Lego set: http://www.geekologie.com/2008/01/man_builds_huge_lego_ship_it_i_1.php Now, it would be awesome if that was made with Duplos!
  14. I've come across several display racks but they all seem to use elastics to hold the folded belts into place. I don't quite like this so much because over time as the elastic gets old or if it gets caught and breaks, you have to take the whole thing apart to slide a new elastic on. I was wondering if anyone has seen types using something similar to a drawer handle to hold the belts? My old studio used this style and tied the belt like normal but he did it with one belt on a single 12"x16" plaque which takes us too much space for me. I'm thinking of making one myself but don't know if there is any reason there isn't one of this type out there.
  15. I've beaten Zelda II a couple times. I've played Ninja Gaiden 2, and Castlevania back in the day and beaten each of those maybe but once. Ghost & Goblins... never made it past level 2 that I can recall. Boy those games were awesomely maddening!
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