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  • Martial Art(s)
    Okinawan Goju-Ryu

Vyze's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. So out of the four regular styles Tai Chi Chuan (Combined Style, 42 Steps) Tai Chi Chuan (Chen Style) Tai Chi Chuan (16 Steps) Tai Chi Push Hands which do you reccomend for a beginner/martial applicant? but also fun to learn and somehwat decent workout of the sort?
  2. Im thinking of getting started in tai chi. the school near me has plenty of styles for a decent price. i was thinking maybe Tai-Chi sword and Tai Chi Chuan Chen Style (although they offer Tai Chi Chuan (Yang Style,24 Steps) Tai Chi Chuan (Combined Style, 42 Steps) Tai Chi Chuan (Chen Style) Tai Chi Chuan (16 Steps) Tai Chi for Kids Tai Chi Sword Tai Chi Broadsword Tai Chi Push Hands Therapeutic Qi Gong Meridian Qi Gong Circle Energy Qi Gong Tai Chi Staff Plum Blossom Tai Chi Fan (single fan) Tai Chi Double Fan Ba Gua Zhang Chinese Waist Drum Ribbon Dance Martial Art Combination Feldenkrais, but my budget only allocates for 2 types_) what do you think of this? im looking for martial application of tai chi as well as any form of exercise. thanks again. oh yes, iv had afew months of experience in karate, and i did fencing for 2 years (not that itll help but w/e), is there anything i could do to prepare to go into tai chi other then call the schools it in on a class and observe and findout the teachers backround? any exercises or anything that would be good? thankyou!!
  3. first let me say, iv had 3 years of fencing experience, and iv been in okinawan gojuryu karate for 6 months (not alot, but iv got a taste and love it!) let me say, that traditional epee fencing (modernized rapier fencing in the USFA) would not work directly with a katana. Now let me say if you could take sabre fencing, which is more like the katana, a slashing weapon, it could some-what easily be utilized with a katana. Finally, if you take enough lessons from fencing, and understand the principles, you could theoretically use most any weapon somewhat skillfully, or use hand-to-hand fighting. fencing teaches you principles which can be related to in other styles of martial arts.
  4. Hi. I've been very intrested in taking up Tai Chi as a secondary martial art (i currently do okinawan goju-ryu and have thoughs of doing hakakori[?] jiujitsu aswell!) I'm looking for something with health benefits, but most imporantly is practical in a real-life combat situation or sparring. How is tai chi at this? I've heard tai-chi chuan is the best style for what im looking for. Near me, there is only one tai-chi place, http://members.toast.net/aihanmed/ that i can find and i was wondering, if by their website, they seem to be good for the martial applicatoins of tai chi. thankyou for your help! p.s. im also possibly intrested in taking Aikido(but the only aikido place near me teaches Aiki-jiu-jitsu, so id go with that) how is that for the martial application? do many aikido schools participate in sparring/tournaments? thanks again
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