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KarateForums.com Senseis
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Everything posted by bushido_man96

  1. Hmmm, I wonder how much it would end up affecting the cost, then? If it just tacks on a huge shipping cost, then I would be better off from ordering otherwise. Still, if I can save a buck or two.... Thanks for the help, and I'll try to look into it.
  2. I don't question his heart, but I don't see how he won't take a beating. It appears that he has Wrestled, and claims that he can protect himself in some way. I wouldn't want to short-change anyone on their dreams, but this one worries me a bit. I wish him the best, though.
  3. I think doing a side kick with the ball of the foot loses its usage. When impacting with the heel, you have the heel, knee, hip, and hopefully the shoulder of the kicking side of the body all lined up, putting a lot of power into the heel. Using the ball of the foot loses this impact power, I think.
  4. We never had one, but my daughter has a DS Lite. I like it a lot.
  5. Hello, and welcome to the Forums.
  6. Ok, testing was on Thursday, the 23rd. It went well, and the sensei told us all that we passed our tests. I was pretty pleased, and have been feeling a lot better about all the stuff me and my training partner have been spending time on. It has really paid off. The testing started off with warm-up stretches and a few Aikitaisos. From there, we did some rolling exercises and some knee-walking (shikko) as a group. Then, we got into the testing. Me and my white belt partner went first. Before the techniques, we demonstrated what is called kokyudosa, which was an energy sensitivity drill where one uses the other's energy to get them knocked over and into a pin. It goes from the knees in seiza, and is done by grabbing the wrists. I had not done this in class officially, but seemed to do ok. Then, we did the techniques. I got to be nage (thrower) first. We did each technique about 4 times each, enough that the sensei could see that we understood the principles from each side. I felt like I moved fairly smooth, accept for the hitch I've been having on Ikkyo, but it will get better with time. My partner went next, and I got to be uke (receiver), which I think gets looked at as well, to see how well our falls and rolls are coming along. Two girls testing for 3rd kyu went next, and they had a ton of techniques, with several done from seiza position. They also did bokken kata 1, and then some jiri waza (?), where uke attacked continuously and nage demonstrated different defenses. Last was the high ranking student testing for 2nd kyu. He did a lot of standing and kneeling techniques, as well as a randori against 3 attackers, which was fun to watch. After everyone tested, we did a circle and had a few students demonstrate different defenses from some standard grabs for the audience. I also got to be a demo-boy for sensei, who led me around by my head for a little bit, which was fun, too. Overall, I enjoyed my first Aikido testing, and look forward to more and more. After we were dismissed, and some folks were talking with the sempai, they commented on my flexibility. They said I was quite flexible, noticibly moreso than the others in the class. That made me feel kind of good.
  7. Man, I'd panic, too. I'm not built to run like that.
  8. Sorry I'm late, its been busy at work. 4-23-09 Aikdio Testing: 7:30 - 9:00. Testing went well. We started with a bit of warm-up, doing some Aikitaisos and some stretches, then did some forward rolling and some Shikko (knee walking). Me and my white belt partner got to test first, and I was Nage (thrower) first. We did our three techniques, and I think we did pretty well, considering our rank. I've got a pretty good handle on most of the hand poistions and whatnot from Hapkido and DT, but the "flowing" aspect is a bit tougher for me. After testing was over, the Sensei told us all that we passed. I was pretty pleased.
  9. I tried looking for U.S. shipping info, but couldn't find anything. Maybe I'll contact them and find out.
  10. I've conked myself in the head with chucks more than a few times. Since then, I have decided that I'd rather use a stick.
  11. Our school uses a special ordered mat that has a carpet-like top. They are kind of like a floor gymnastics mat, I think. They don't sink too much, but offer good protection for falls. However, with the carpet like top, they tend to be rough for too much ground play.
  12. If you can work into some mitt drills or just bag drills with the hand techniques, you can really get them singing in TKD. Also, some Hapkido can work into the standing transition into the ground game you are looking for, if your school does any Hapkido. TKD and Hapkido are great complements to each other, and can lead to that grappling game.
  13. You could also try to dig up the "Fight to Survive" song from Bloodsport. You can't beat that "Kumite! Kumite!" chant in the song...
  14. I'll second this, for sure. Never take the blame for someone else's actions. That gets you no where, and leaves you accepting blame that you don't deserve. If you start down this road, its a long ways bad, and you'll never do anything again without taking into account the guilt that could result, even if you can't control it. With that aside, I am glad to hear that you are ok, Keri. Seeing as you blacked out, things could have ended up a lot worse. I'm glad that it didn't. It sounds to me like you were blindsided. Not much training can help prepare you for the blindside attack. Like some of the other have mentioned, working more on situational awareness can help to prepare you for these things better. Keep an eye around you, looking to your flanks to see if someone else is coming in to the fray. Lastly, don't feel so ashamed to not return to Karate, let alone test. Keep going, keep training, and keep fighting the good fight. Learn from it, and you will get past this, I am positive. Keep your chin up, Keri.
  15. I have several of Master Cho's books, and I have not been disappointed by any of them. I haven't read them for quite some time, but I do need to so that I can drop some bites on them here, too. One thing is for sure, even as old as they are, they still have some good stuff in them. The way that Cho teaches sparring, really shows how TKD can work.
  16. It really has come a long ways, hasn't it?
  17. Wow, that takes some skill to be able to put together. Very cool.
  18. 4-22-09 Cardio Bike: after a warm up, I did 5 minutes at just over 100 rpms, then rested at around 90 rpms for 5 minutes. I did this twice, and rode for 20 minutes. Light stretch afterwards.
  19. So do some front snap kicks and blocks in the park. Just do what you know; even if it is basic, someone will pick up on it.
  20. Yeah, I've been looking at it from that point of view, and trying to think of things to do to change it up a bit. I think I need to attack more, but it hasn't been working for me. So, I'm looking into it...
  21. I think you should be pleased, as well. Its good that they get some of the JJ type of stuff in their bunkai, and the fact that they recognize it like this shows that that they are thinking about it, too.
  22. Maybe its just me, but I don't see the negative approach taken by adults in our school that it sounds like some here are suggesting. Even if they may be thinking "what are we doing?" they aren't always bringing it out in class, and many in our class are working hard and trying to learn the new stuff.
  23. To work on kicking for power, I would get to the bag as soon as you can, and do some rounds. Make it move for you. Also, if you are into repeat kicking (same leg kicking, not setting it down), I'd drop that, too, and work on more combinations that work from one leg to the other, or that move forward, using the same leg, but setting it down each time. Just some thoughts.
  24. Yeah, you might want to look into a Judo gi of some sort for grappling; they are more durable.
  25. In your case, the bag hits back, eh?
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