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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Mu Du Kwan Tae Kwon Do- Green Belt
  • Location
    North Carolina
  • Interests
    Tae Kwon Do
  • Occupation
    8th Grader

Genya's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)



  1. In our class (7 year olds thru adults, white thru brown belts) we usually take about 15 minutes to warm up. This includes- arm, leg, and neck streching, 50 jumping jacks, running in place, more leg streches, 50 crutches, leg raises, and 20-40 pushups. In that order. Starting from the jumping jacks, the highest rank usually leads. We also focus on breathing for a few minutes at the end of streching. Every once in a while we will pair up and stretch each other for about 30 minutes. Usually this involves one of us laying on the floor and the other pulling our leg back (one at a time) or a person standing against a wall and the partner pulling the leg up. Or we will both sit on the floor facing each other with our legs apart and grab each others hands. Then one will lean back and the other forward.
  2. Sounds interesting. What's Mu Du Kwan? Actually thats a good question. I'd like to know that too. I guess it is a style of TKD but that is about all I know about it. Anybody know exactly what it is? The forms we do are- Kicho 1-3 and Palgwe 1-8 (?)
  3. I like that idea, i'll try that next time we fight. Haha. I guess I am in better shape than most adults, but that doesn't mean that I am better in TKD. I haven't learned that much yet.
  4. There is only one teacher at our dojo. He is a 5th degree black belt. He teaches Mu du kwan TKD
  5. Yeah, I'm familar with faking. Sometimes I'll fake punches or kicks. The problem with wheel kicks is that by the time I get ready to do one and actually do it, I'm already having to block something by my opponent. If you know what I mean... I guess they just take too long? And I think front kicks are too easy to block so I don't really use them since they never really work point-wise. Same thing with side. So I'm kinda stuck. Maybe I'm not doing them right...?
  6. Hello, I am a green belt in Tae Kwon Do, and I've been studying about 2 and a half years. Recently I've started going to tournaments, and I need some advice on some good sparring combos. I usually just do backfist to the head or roundkick for points. I can't do really advanced/fancy stuff (i'm only 14 lol) sooo... These are the kicks I know: Front Roundhouse (hop and stepover) Side (hop and step over) Wheel Back Flying Front Thanks! Any help would be appreciated.
  7. Thanks. Thats what I was thinking.
  8. Hi, My name is Genya and I have been doing Tae Kwon Do for 2 and a half years. I'm 14 and a green belt. I think that I will start going to tournaments and compete in sparring, so I was looking for tips and how to get some points. Also, how do I change the white belt avatar to a green belt one? Or is that just the rating system for the forum? If you want to chat one on one, please IM me- xglitterxstarsx Thanks! I'm looking forward to participating in the forum.
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