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  • Martial Art(s)
    Aikido Shodan
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Kasumi27's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)



  1. okay then. however, most guys in my Dojo just don't do it the gentlemen way.... they grab me like as though i'm their wife... so any suggestions??
  2. Okay fair enough cause I've never got into a proper fight with a guy (expect wih my brothers, and they always lose. whhahahaha) (evil me) Anyway, that makes sense and i also understand that maybe MA have disabling or one hit KO techniques. In aikido, we're thought to disarm disable and make them submit. Unless the situation the situation calls for it, then we're to use one hit KO techniques. Anyway, these techniques are only thought in the very advanced level of most MAs, at least it is so for aikido. So do guys often use one hit KO techniques in a real fight. I'm not saying kill techniques. Forget the tournament, focus in the fight. Guys out there pls comment.
  3. One more thing When I was doing my grading for shodan, I had a surprise request for 3 big guys to grab onto me. It was hell to have 3 big guys grabing on; one on the waist; and another 2 grabing each hand. I couldn't even move!!! I guess if they wished to pin me down, they would have no problem doing so. So I did appreciate that they "let loose" a little. Otherwise, I would be immobilised by those three big guys. I guess the point is that we all react to the situation and circumstances right?? I've once been grabbed by two guys who put their weight down onto my hand, my hand was kindda bruised, I guess theres a big strength difference between guys and girls huh... One thing good about guys is that they have all the energy they need, whereas girls only have limited strength. But guys tend to get a little more hasty and wanna end things quickly (I guess they're impatient), whereas the ladies take their time to execute the technique. I'm also conscious that guys have this "cannot lose face" theory, or what you all call pride or honour. But isn't this a hinderance to training if you're a "cannot lose" kinda guy?? I thought guys were not supposed to be so petty over such trivial stuff. Guys out there pls comment.
  4. looks like guys have more to think about when sparring with the ladies. I kind of understand the principles thing. Cause in training, i have to keep telling the big guys to grab harder. Maybe they're just being sensitive, or opponent. What i'm trying to put through is that they lose focus when they have a girl teaching them, especially the adult trainees, people who join after 20. I'm 19 and most people say i look older. So whats with the sexist thing. If i do a technique and try and be "nice", they think you're not effective, if you get rough, they think you're over serious. Ironic isn't it?? So normally when i teach, I teach with full force.
  5. it doesn't really matter on the Sensei but the student. Remember this. training under a good Sensei doesn't gurantee you anything, whereas a talented student learns all just the same from any other dojo. The bottom line is: can you learn and execute the technique effectively in real life.
  6. just kick their groin... its not pleasant to be grabbed by a guy everywhere.
  7. some people think because they've got a higher rank or cause they're of the stronger sex, they'll win. i've came across many of such cases. guys can get pretty agressive at times. guys in my country have a mentility that "they must win" and that losing to a girl equates to losing face. as for your case, he must have had a tough time with you. Good for you! Keep it up and maybe you'll get promoted quickly!
  8. I wanna hear from you guys out there. heres the thing, when you guys spar or practice with us girls, do you only use like say 50 to 80% of your strength?? cause i hear from most of my friends in karate that guys hit "less hard" as compared to sparing against guys. I'm in aikido and it doesn't really matter whether they resist or not. don't get me wrong, i'm not putting you guys down. i also understand that its only "gentlemenly" to let the ladies "do whatever they want"... pls comment on what you guys think......
  9. whats with all you guys debating about aikido?? aikido is almost the same as judo and JJ. I know little of JJ but i was told that judo tips people off balance. aikido simply manipulates the attackers joints if not using their own strength against themself. aikido is easy once you master it.
  10. i would go for aikido you're taught to take on multiple attackers at once. and even if those attackers are of bigger size and built. as a girl, thats my choice, cause it doesn't utilise much strength. aikido draws its strength from the attacker, if not, from the technique. but the downside is that it takes time to learn so you must be patient.
  11. i would still stick with aikido cause i'm an aikido practioner and in the long term, its more worth the while. but ultimately its still up to you. if you want to master the art quicky, then aikido is not gonna be your cup of tea.....
  12. i agree. try being a normal sized girl fighting a big guy. its essentially hell. use more technique, less strength. the big guys always underestimate girls, so i get in close finish them cause they get tired easily. Girls are more flexible and have more endurance than most guys.
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