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Everything posted by complete

  1. It's already episode 6 this Thu. Team Ortiz lost 1 fighter early, then took out 4 fighters from Team Shamrock. Ortiz and Shamrock were supposed to fight each other on UFC 61. Unfortunately, Ortiz got hurt during the fight with Forrest Griffin and can't find Shamrock. Forrest Griffin instead have stepped up and agreed to fight Shamrock on UFC 61. We will all have to wait for the Ortiz vs. Shamrock rematch, if it will ever happen.....
  2. This is by far the largest and most active martial arts forum I've ran across.
  3. What is Thai Roundhouse? Sorry for my ignorance but I've never heard of it before.
  4. Wushu means Martial Arts in Mandarin Chinese and was developed in China over 1,000 years ago. Known in the West as Gongfu (meaning “high level of skill”), Wushu comprises many different styles, including Taiji Quan, from empty hand and weapon routines to free-fighting techniques. Wushu also represents a way of life as it is based on ancient Chinese philosophies, ethical and moral principles, mental and physical disciplines.
  5. Because TKD was added to the Olympic Games in 2000 for the first time, the Olympic committee put a limit on number of entree for Korean athletes (something like 4 out of 8? weight classes for both man/woman) Otherwise, they would've won more medals.
  6. How come spin kick is not an option in the poll?
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