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Everything posted by benyx

  1. i got it at Amazon.ca! Thanks!
  2. can i ask you where you ordered it?
  3. Thanks for the info.. I know this... i just say that for explain the URA... maybe its a kumite kata.. because they add URA like for exemple.. ten no kata URA.. but thanks for learning more thing with you!
  4. my new gi is a Tokon (Kamikaze Kaiten's name in Canada).. i choose the America model... its absolutly a awesome gi! This model is a 10oz unbrushed coton gi.. take a look.. at the compagny website.. http://www.tokon.com Oss..
  5. I just pass my 6th kyu exam in shotokan last week... so my next exam its for the 5th kyu too.. i also need to learn heian yondan too.. but we dont have taikyoku nidan in shotokan... you add URA in the name.. maybe its like ten no kata ura.. ura its for the kumite version.. (i think).. Oss..
  6. Sincere condoleneces.. Sorry to hear that
  7. Done... with Success! thanks for your reply! i can now modify my signature..
  8. 6th in shotokan is the green belt.. Here the exam... Kihon ----------- Sambon-zuki (foward) Age-Uke Jodan + Gyaku-zuki (Backward) Soto-Uke chudan + Gyaku-zuki (Foward) Gedan-Barai + Gyaku-zuki (Backward) Uchi-uke + Gyaku-zuki (Foward) Shuto-uke + Tate-Nukite (Backward and Foward) Mae-geri Ren-geri (Chudan, Jodan - Forward) Mawashi-geri (Forward) Yoko-geri Keage (2 side, Kiba dachi) Yoko-geri Kekome (2 side, Kiba dachi) Kata ----------- Heian Sandan Kumite ----------- Ippon Kumite : oi-zuki jodan, oi-zuki-chudan, mae-geri (2 side)
  9. The subject says all!! i just need to share this to help my nervousness.. Thanks!
  10. Thank-you of your welcome! you seem to be great ppl here! (i gonna post often but sorry for my english mistake.. i'm a french guy! )
  11. Hi! Happy to find this forums! Im from Canada (Quebec).. Anybody else.. in my region?!
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