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Student - High School
Scully's Achievements

White Belt (1/10)
Energy isnt destroyed, it changes into something else.
Okay, I have already searched and revised on Ki and, even though I'm still unsure about its exsitence, i wanna give it a try to improve my fighting style and way of life in general. Thing is though, ki focus techniques are not on (or are really hard to find) on the internet, because all the masters say that you can only learn to use Ki from a direct tutor (or so i have read). Anyway, I already meditate, deep breathing, viewing the mid etc but I wanna focus ki. Also, if someone could give a direct answer on what my ki can do to actually improve life and karate (shotokan) that would be helpful. Oh and whats this stuff and Ki balls. I thought they were myth? Thanks Guys and Gals. (And for the students of chinese martial arts, i didnt use the term chi at all because of im a japanese martial art student. Just wanted to mention that)
yep all true, well most of it. Your right about dojo standards falling dramatically, but I must ask you not to blame it entirely on money issues, well the greed side of it anyway. I've said before, as some people may have been on the Sensei's Under Pressure post, that some teachers are forced into passing their pupils, even if they do not see fit. My sensei has to pass the lesser students because if he dosnt, they quit (short attention span. They need something fast) He soes it not for the money, he donst make much profit because the hall is very expensive to rent, and it is definetly not for status since he constantly says how he bad he feels when he passes them. He passes them for the sake of the minority who are actually trying. He cant find a smaller hall, or cheaper (we only live in a small town) so he is trying differet methods of teaching. Your right, black belt noobs (noobs for a lack of a better word) are finding ways to the top, but please dont blame it all on greed.
I was in the dojo a few weeks ago, and we were watching the younger fighters spar, and it came to a point were one fell over and hurt a their leg. It was nothing major and he was able to carry on. I found myself telling the boy in my mind "You got knocked down, just get back up and try harder next time, if if you are at a disadvantage." I only realised after I thought it on how thats same thing could be used in general life and how karate and life are so similar. I just want to ask the karate forums community a small question. Have you ever had an experience in life,good or bad, that you could relate to karate or vice versa and could help that situation? I've found myself thinking of that little sentence whenever I fail at something, either a game, or if I get knocked over in a real fight or sparring match. Please share your ideas please.
I'll give the positive thing a try then. Hopefully I can find a balance between both (dont want to be TO nice to them) Thanks for the help guys. Carry on posting if there is any other comments on the subject, I'll need the help.
I get your point ottman, but the situation in our club is different to the way you described it. i'm not looking at one or two people in the class. It is almost all the kids thats are worying me. It is extremely dis-respectful to my sensei and even to me as I teach katas to the young ones and they show no improvement from white belt to brown belt. And when it comes to teaching to the best of my ability, there is a little story that goes with that. I was asked to warm up the class for the first time (I only usually help with kata training) and the kids thought they were going to get a free ride, considering I'm the young cool punk/mosher teenager rebel, I could see it in their eyes. They didnt get it easy. I drove them harder than the other black belts do sometimes (not to say that they aren't strict, they can be very tough). Press ups, sit ups any punishment (legal punishment) that I could give out for being disobedient I gave them. Even when I was trying to make them do their best , the higher grades were moving like people who had never heard of karate, never mind not started it. It just worries me on how they train. none of this is jealousy or envy or whatever you want to put it. It's concern and worry about the kids, the dojo and most importantly my Senseis respect (and self respect).
Well my sensei is going to try a new way of ailing the kids but nt officialy. He will hold a mock grading half way between real gradings (every few months or so) and if they do not pass this mock grading, they dont get to take their real one. It will stop the kids who dont deserve to pass their grade from taking it but also should stop them from quitting because they didnt fail their ACTUAL grading. Probaly a little of psychology pulled in there. Hope it works though.
Competitions were made to let different fighters to test their skills against other warrior who use different ways of fighting. (defensive, offesnsive etc) different to what they expeirence in their own dojos. Sadly this is not the case in most competitions nowadays. Rewards, trophies etc have made people, on a vast majority not everyone, forget the true meaning of a battle between to dedicated fighters. However, it is not possible to say that a whole type of martial art, e.g shotokan karate, is taught for competitions. Not once have me or my sensei trained in competition style. (im Black Belt shotokan by the way) We have traiied souly to improve and become better and even for our own personal reasons (as with everyone else). We have mentioned competitions, but like I said earlier, for a challenge outside of my dojo. Do not label an art as competition or anything else. We all have our own individual reason for training. If people think shotokan is good for competitions, let them think that, however, I dont think that. I use it for my own reasons. Do not threat on what people say on the art, just worry about what you think of it.
Teachers of a martial art are put under a lot of pressure when they own a club. I have to admit this is very stupid but unavoidable. For example, my sensei only has a few decent fighters in his club, and he knows it. He tries to teach the younger fighters karate but it seems they only come to play and mess around. He passes them their grades though, knowing that they don’t deserve it. Now you're going to say "another McDojo, get out of there Scully!" But it isn’t like that. He is in fact a very good teacher and a Sensei can only teach a student willing to learn. If he didn’t pass the kids for there grades, the club would close down and the only reason he keeps it open is because of the select few who are actually trying. I can see the disappointment in his face when he watches the children do their katas To the point, I would just like some people to think before they insult other dojos about just giving out the ranks. Sometimes it’s more than just bad senseis and there is a serious problem. (By the way, my sensei has tried looking for a new smaller dojo, there are none because we are in a small town.) He is now trying the harshest of discipline (allowed by law) to try and get the kids into shape but there is one problem. They are modern day kids (which cause many a problem)
I know my Dojo isnt a McDojo. We've had officials once or twice, and even helped grade blckbelts from other clubs.
I'm just wondering if anyone on these forums uses weighted clothing (weighted shits, pants, weatbands gis shoes. etc.) when they are training. If so, can you recommend a skill level for when I can begin using them. (nothing to heavy ofcourse XD) Or should i start using them when i feel like I'm ready. Or is it just a stupid idea. I just wanna make sure im not jumping ahead of myself and my training. I really wanna take my karate serious (btw I'm black belt 1st Dan, 16 years old)
I went for my black belt a few weeks ago. I was told to expect the worse and to keep clear focus on what I was doing. My sensei has always had confidence in me. I even had a chat with his wife in church once were she said "Oh you are the new kid. My husband says you have alot of potential." Well you could imagine the confidence boost this gave me. I was only 13 at the time, childish and stupid (still am now at 16 ) and I have past every grading from white belt to black belt. I dont feel accomplished tough. My main aim in life is to perfect my karate as is most Kareteka, but when I have taken my gradings, I feel as if I have been let of to easily. I made huge mistake. Forgetting kata names (luckily not forgeting the Kata itself) falling stumbling and so on. When I got my black belt though it didnt feel as if i deserved it. It was to easy to get the belt itself. I even got my second highest score in my grading history. (71/100). I think maybe that my sensei has let me of a bit to easy for this. To the point really. I think teachers are letting people get their grades to easily and this is causing cockiness for the kids.