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Discussions on the Eugue Ryu style of Karate.
SamuraiDave replied to Eugeu_Ryu_Stylist's topic in Karate
close- our Nikyu is basically our first 5 basic blocks, block one in 4 directions, then block number two in the same directions, ect... through 5 blocks. What does Yonkyu look like? I would also like a copy of that book, I am a big history fan and would like a copy for my collection if possible. From what I understand, the head instructor of the Eugue Ryu system is Sensei Michael Young, who inherited it from Sensei Oscar Adams, who inherited it from Sensei Ray Flowers who was stationed in Korea during the Korean War. He learned it from Sensei Kensenzu Yamaegue (hence the name Eugue Ryu). Yamaegue was a Japanese instructor who was in Korea at the time, though I know not why or how long he was living there. Yamaegue was quite old at the time I think while Flowers was in his 20s possibly. -
Discussions on the Eugue Ryu style of Karate.
SamuraiDave replied to Eugeu_Ryu_Stylist's topic in Karate
It probably changed name, Yonkyu just means 4th class, or number, or group. Since they didn't mention Nikyu it might be possible that our first three "katas" are nearly the same, just with a name changed. Would like a brief discription of Yonkyu if anyone can supply it. Doesn't have to be a step by step instruction, just what it kinda looks like and what basic moves does it have. Thanks! -
Discussions on the Eugue Ryu style of Karate.
SamuraiDave replied to Eugeu_Ryu_Stylist's topic in Karate
Hi Guys! Sorry I haven't written... I haven't heard of Yonkyu either, I will have to ask Sensei next time I talk to him (may be a while though). I am not surprised that there may be one though. I don't usually have any problems reviewing Kata with other styles. I know many styles consider it TOP SECRET info but I have never really thought we would get into trouble for discussing katas nowadays. I do know that any Kata videos we have are supposed to be strictly for Eugue Ryu students only, but one of the primary reasons for that is so the student won't start working on new katas before the Sensei thinks they are at a comfortable level of training on their previous katas. I hope to make it to the other Eugue Ryu schools eventually and see if there are any differences between katas. If I move back to the states in the next few years I definitely plan to make it a priority to visit the KC school(s). We have our three basic "beginner" katas, five Pinan, three Naihachi, plus a few other various ones. -
Discussions on the Eugue Ryu style of Karate.
SamuraiDave replied to Eugeu_Ryu_Stylist's topic in Karate
I would love to see that book. I wouldn't have any problem showing you our Nikyu or Sankyu Katas. I am still debating whether to move back to the US anyway, but if I do I am planning to visit the KC class. I am fairly certain that Sensei Topp in the Wapak school would go but he is extremely busy working on his doctorate degree. We'll have to see what happens. -
Discussions on the Eugue Ryu style of Karate.
SamuraiDave replied to Eugeu_Ryu_Stylist's topic in Karate
Well it's definitely nice to hear from the other schools. I have the same class-size problem over here myself. I am in the middle of nowhere and there are a few dozen other schools around. Renting class space is overwhelming here though. I used to pay about $300 a month just to rent a dance room for 12 hours a month. I don't have the energy right now to focus on developing the class into something bigger (especially when there are a lot of really bad McDojos nearby that charge a fortune to learn from a "black belt" who has only been doing martial arts for 3 months. I teach privately for now which uses up more of my time but doesn't cost me anything in rent. I would love to find out if there really is a school down in Texas. If anyone hears anything please let me know. I have a lot of source material for my classes (though I don't expect my students to memorize thousands of terms). I have seperate sheets depending on whether we are working on Karate, Jujitsu, Judo, Aikido, or Iaido (or something else). -
Discussions on the Eugue Ryu style of Karate.
SamuraiDave replied to Eugeu_Ryu_Stylist's topic in Karate
Hi Mark, hope you are ok. Did you know sensei Oscar Adams passed away? Early March I think. -
Discussions on the Eugue Ryu style of Karate.
SamuraiDave replied to Eugeu_Ryu_Stylist's topic in Karate
That's ok, KL. I am sure you will do better next time. I am a fantastic driver and yet I have done some stupid things in a car. Almost took out a post office drop box (those blue ones on the side of the road). It's right across from my old house and I still almost crashed into it (I was trying to do 10 things at once instead of drive and pay attention). Let me know when you are taking your next test. See ya... -
Discussions on the Eugue Ryu style of Karate.
SamuraiDave replied to Eugeu_Ryu_Stylist's topic in Karate
darn, I am a yellow belt on here. I haven't been a yellow belt in eons. That's ok, I frequently wear my white belt anyway. Trying to get rid of my ego. -
Discussions on the Eugue Ryu style of Karate.
SamuraiDave replied to Eugeu_Ryu_Stylist's topic in Karate
I believe it, I worked for 9 months in the produce department at Big Bear right after high school and we had knives all over the place. I was usually the one juggling with the machete (we used it to cut up watermelons). -
Discussions on the Eugue Ryu style of Karate.
SamuraiDave replied to Eugeu_Ryu_Stylist's topic in Karate
Trust me, it's not easy being 4000 miles from home and trying to stay up-to-date and in touch. I've just got more experience so far than you do, KL. Hope everyone is doing well today. Having a nice day here in England. The sun is shining and it's not raining! Yay! -
Discussions on the Eugue Ryu style of Karate.
SamuraiDave replied to Eugeu_Ryu_Stylist's topic in Karate
Howdy all! I don't think there is a Eugue-Ryu school in Delphos, Ohio, anymore (due to a fire? I think). The Lima class moved out of the old Lima YMCA into the new YMCA about 6 or 7 years ago, then moved again into a smaller private place somewhere downtown just in the last few years. They have a website of their own (as does the Wapak school and school in Kansas City). I think they are in the yellow pages. Just google for Eugue Ryu (or Jukido Kai Sogo Budo for the Wapak school) and you should be able to find them. Not familiar with any Tonys or Terrys from that era though I am sure Senseis Topp or Kohler know of whom you are speaking. Sensei Rodney Kohler runs the Lima school now. -
Discussions on the Eugue Ryu style of Karate.
SamuraiDave replied to Eugeu_Ryu_Stylist's topic in Karate
one of my hardest tests was my orange belt. We had a visiting instructor (Sensei Kohler) that night and I got tested by two instructors. I had everything studied up to green belt so that asked me everything up to green belt level and i had only been there for three months. Passed with no problems though.... thank goodness. -
I have a few friends that love anime, I just have too many things to do to sit and watch much on the telly. The last anime I saw was "Vampire Hunter D" years ago, though I thought it was not bad.
I think I still remember most of the fingerings for the trumpet scales. Been over 15 years now! Damn! Anyway, I have tons of hobbies- Martial arts (more of a lifestyle than a hobbie for me), hiking, rambling, sightseeing, reading, writing, collecting Star Wars stuff, swimming, moonbathing, photography, genealogy, and a few others. I am surprised I ever get any work done.
I have quite a few friends that would be classified as "freaks." Most of them take it as a compliment. One of them, Rosemary, even has a bumper-sticker on her car that says, "God Bless the Freaks." It cracked me up.
I know your instructor, KL, and he's said that many times to me too!
Yeah, Natalie Portman is lovely, and a great actress. I am a huge Star Wars fan and I wish she had a better role in those movies...
An ex-gf once told me I was so ugly my tears ran down the back of my head because they were afraid to run down my face. I thought it was funny and she was just kidding (I hope!)
Fantastic! This is a pretty swell site...
Yes, I quite liked it. It's a bit odd, but since I live in England now I understood most of the cultural stuff (though it is set some time in the near future). The martial arts in it were pretty good (though it's not chocked full of fights). Hugo Weaving played V. I didn't recognize him till half way through the movie because you never see him without his mask. He played Agent Smith in the Matrix movies. I think you will either love or hate it if you see it. If you understand what is going on then you'll love it, if you don't know anything about British culture or history then you may not understand anything other than the fights.
I haven't seen any of those movies, I may have to check them out. The last really good MA-related movie I saw and would recommend would be, "The Last Samurai." I really enjoyed that one.
Yeah, he won first place in a CHA CHA contest, I think it was in Hong Kong when he was younger. He made a deal with a dance teacher I think that he would give him free martial arts lessons while he got free dance lessons. It worked out bad for the dance coach because Bruce picked up the CHA CHA really fast and the dance guy didn't get much time to learn martial arts. I can post more specifics on this if anyone cares. I miss my trumpet, haven't played it since I left school in '92.
Discussions on the Eugue Ryu style of Karate.
SamuraiDave replied to Eugeu_Ryu_Stylist's topic in Karate
Good Luck ERS! Hope you pass. KL, we used to train in the basement of the ELK's lodge around the corner when I first started. I still remember most of my first class that day (we were working on a modified Shiho-Nage techniques). When the class moved downtown to the main street (can't remember the name of the main street through Wapak, sorry), my sister and I were pretty much the only ones to show up to help repaint and work on it. I haven't even been in the new dojo outside of town yet, though my brother has sent me pictures. It looks great. It's been almost 10 years since I started training with Sensei Topp. I am getting old! HA! Howdy Destro, nice to hear from you. Cheers from England! -
Discussions on the Eugue Ryu style of Karate.
SamuraiDave replied to Eugeu_Ryu_Stylist's topic in Karate
Haven't been to one of his SPring Cleanings in years. KL, did you start training after he moved out of the city or when the dojo was downtown? -
I didn't know that KL! We have a lot in common, it's scary. I played trumpet for 10 years in school, was number three in the symphonic band and number one in our jazz band in Marion. I think dancing would be a really great help as well. Bruce Lee was a Cha Cha Champion once upon a time, if I remember correctly....