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Col.h's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Col, who is that if you don't mind me asking? My own instructor is ex-SKI and trained extensively with Mr Asano, plus a whole boatload of other SKI people. hi mate,his name is Kevin Clark from Blackburn.they are having a grading today with Mr Asono and i am going training with them and being introduced to Hanshi Asano to discuss the change of organisation and the belt issues. thank you Col
  2. thanx for replies all.your right,i would feel like a charlatan wearing the brown belt. ive started training with a 6th dan at shotokan,SKI.he has said that he sees me at brown belt in 6 months time ,training 2/3 times per week.it seemed strange running through all the katas,if i tried to remember i got them wrong,if i didnt think it just came naturally lol.he will get my license stamped to brown belt when he sees me as a brown belt once again thanx
  3. i havent done shotokan for 22 years( since i was 15).I achieved brown belt status (3rd kyu).I also held a KUGB license. I now am looking to start again to get fit but i have a few questions to ask if i may. i have found my grading booklet all signed and dated to 3rd kyu. Can i join any organisation as it seems there are quite a few different ones? Do i have to pay back licenses? Does the brown belt still uphold? help? Col
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