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fenwick1999's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Thank you for your replies.No,I am not joking,altho' I wish I were.I must say that I was once a scientific sceptic myself,and as cynical as anyone, as regards anything to do with chi,yoga,demons,or the supernatural.However,I actually came in contact with persons who had experience with real exorcisms.For instance,an Anglican priest I know is from Africa,and he has witnessed "voodoo" rituals in which unbelieveable things take place.Levitation,dematerialization like Star Trek, and people becoming animals.Likewise,too many credible people attribute preternatural abilities to Yang and other past masters for it to be all written off as superstition or "tall tales".Yes,it may be just a story that Yang could kill tigers with kong jing,or it may be true.If it is true,then how was it done? That is the issue.I don't believe that Hatsumi is a bad person;in fact he seems like a humble and likeable guy.I just question the source of his telepathic power.He may believe it is merely aura-sensitivity,but he may be wrong.The story about Uyeshiba causing it to rain is well-known,and attributed to too many reliable people for it to be mass hysteria.It is either an extremely well- orchestrated hoax,or it happened.If it did happen,how?
  2. Anyone have any opinion about the girls traied by John Allen of Green Dragon?
  3. years ago I took some "80/20 footwork "wing chun from a guy in Chicago who was a student of Simon LAu,Steve Swift,and a little with Moy Yat school in Philly.He told me that alot of guys in Hong Kong are better than either Leung Ting or Wm. Cheung.Those two are considered the top wing chun guys by Americans because of the magazines,but in reality,many guys are senior in lineage and are/were better fighters-the late Wong Seung Leung,for instance.Is that true?
  4. Thanks for the reply.Yamaguchi used to channel his ki into crystal balls,and he could literally read his opponents' minds.Hatsumi has telepathic powers as well, but not to the extent of Yamaguchi.Uyeshiba could cause it to rain with his kiai!(not even Bruce could do that).Yang(the founder) could legitimately kill tigers.(bruce couldn't do that either.)Many old qigong and yoga masters could levitate,altho' no one is doing it today.How?As far as Bruce is concerned,fiction from DRAGON THE BRUCE LEE STORY aside,he was tormented by an oppressive sense of fate due to the "unlucky" circumstances of his birth.My theory is that his family was tormented by a spirit of oppression,and they tried to deal with it by Feng Shui and other superstitions,instead of bring in a Catholic priest or a baptist pastor.Lee was too "Eastern" in his thinking to take Christianity as a live possibility for himself,although he trained with ordained clerics like Leo Fong and James Yimm Lee.
  5. I am an evangelical Christian and also a follower of the Bruce Lee arts.Clearly,Lee did not teach his students to beat him,and much of his "private" art came from unique applications of wing chun and taiji boxing principles.So one must go back to wc and taiji in order to recreate Bruce's actual mechanics,as opposed to what he taught.Strong side lead,boxing emphasis,and bi-jong footwork are good stuff,but can't explain Lee's awesome power or his uncanny ability to "read" opponents.Lee believed in chi and auras.My concern about qigong practice and so forth is,from a Christian view,how far can one go in practicing qigong,etc., w/o getting into witchcraft or tapping into the demoniac?Clearly,Yang was demon-possessed,and so were Hatsumi, O'sensei Uyeshiba and Gogen Yamaguchi.Others have such remarkable abilities that demonic power is the only explanation.Lee himself was most likely tormented by" ancestral" demons,and as a monist who did not accept Christ,he had no way of fighting them.I guess I want to know,from the view of Christian internal practitioers,how can one pusue ch'i and other subtle energy aspects(kong jing,etc.) and keep oneself safe from Satanic powers?Is qi just a matter of physics,or is it spiritual?Is it dangerous in an occultic way? [Edited by Admin: No need for caps.] [ This Message was edited by: Patrick on 2002-04-26 09:36 ]
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