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Everything posted by ma4life

  1. I think one point that hasn't been brought out is that it's not a matter of whether techniques work in your dojo or school, it's whether they work when your adrenaline is flowing, your fine motor control is at less than adequate functioning, and when tunnel vision is a factor. No, of course fighters in the UFC or Pride don't execute techniques perfectly- it's easy for those of us who train to criticize them when all we are fighting with is a tombstone, or better yet, air. It takes hours and hours on the mat or in the ring practicing to be able to execute ANYTHING when the pressure is on. Bas Rutten is coming out with this monthly DVD series- https://www.drillforskill.com that's supposed to help students/fighters learn exactly that...plus inside looks at training camps and fighters. It looks awesome- they say that every month they'll cover conditioning, striking, and ground/takedowns. Personally, I am so sick of "my art is better than your art." They all have negative points, and they all have things we can take away from them.
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