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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Zarbat Karate/Kickboxing, Sin Moo Hapkido, Seishinkai.
  • Location
    Wicklow, Ireland
  • Interests
    Psychiatry, reading, writing and honour.
  • Occupation
    Author. Ninja.

Wrath's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. I've heard much about Ninjas. And know nothing solid about them. The rwo Ninja sites are by imbeciles, no help there. Can anyone tell me, what exactly a ninja is? (Do not go onto the Ninja sites if easily offended)
  2. I don't think he would, I've been taught that Martial Arts is about honour. It seems this boy did not disrespect the Sensei, he probably wanted to seem better than he truly is. But if anyone dishonoured my Sensei, I would tell him so. He is Sensei, not because he has others fighting battles for him. I bet he/she would just laugh at the remark, or tell you to ignore it.
  3. Muchos Gracias por... Um... Welcome. Thank You.
  4. t seems like Capoiera would be your best bet, it was developed by a jamaican man (don't know full history) It's basically using break dancing as a method of taking down your opponent. Impress the ladies on the dance floor or your opponent as he falls to the floor. And always if you're in a competition and need something unexpected, change your fighting style and cart wheel! I hope I helped. Wrath
  5. I am Wrath. I am seventeen and have been studying martial arts at my local dojo on and off for the past three years. I am a yellow belt in Zarbat Karate (Seishin Kai, Kung Fu and kickboxing) And a white in Sin Moo Hapkido. I hope I will be able to learn more on the arts from this site, and to get to know some students from across the seven seas or the road! Not the most interesting introduction ever written, I'm sorry. But Hello anyway!
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