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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    wu tao, Muay Thai, Jiu Jitsu,MMA
  • Location
    Anchorage, Alaska
  • Interests
    Martial Arkiing, Snowboarding, hiking, guitar, philosophies.
  • Occupation

BlackWolf's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)



  1. looks like we have a lot to learn, traditional fist seems to know more about it here then some. Do you guys study philosophy?
  2. yea ive said in annother thread my trainor will incorporate it, and i know there are other fighting styles that will use accupuncture points. guess i need to be more clear.
  3. Ever seen kill bill, at the end where she strikes him in 5 different points, is similar to what can be done with dim mak, i find it verry interesting
  4. yes it can be reffered to either way, pretty rare , not tought in the united states, for it has been banned in the united states. my trainor will not teach me certain techniques of dim mok
  5. Thats called conditioning the body. this instructer might be on steroids from the look of his body. but some martial arts instructors condition there students putting them through gruling excercises that will test their physicaland mental strength. u can see how the other guy was taking it. maybe the kid did something he wasnt supposed to. i watched it again looks like he was chasing the camera man at the end, must be steroids
  6. i see alot of teachers making up names for martial arts, and its all effective if you know the philosophy behind it all. But you can study them they are all similar.
  7. "It doesnt take a belt to determine ones self achievement, one self will know instinctivly when oneself has achieved." - Mike B
  8. When i spar i use no padding, my trainer insists we must condition our body. luckly i dont pay for my lessons, it is in honor to be training under such a trainer as mine. You must practice self control and must have it when sparring without padding.
  9. Any body else here know dimmok. I would love to hear about their experiences and training. Why did you pick this style? I picked this style by the luck of the moment. My girlfriends uncle trained from a dimmok master and incorporates it with many other styles of fighting, keeping philosophy close at hand, without the philosophy the movements would have no meaning, i see some of you here rely on only movements rather than understanding the philosophy behind the movements. please i would love to hear from any one who has been trained by a dimmok master or from a teacher who has been trained by a dimmok master. "It doesnt take a belt to determine ones self achievement, one self will know instinctivly when oneself has achieved." - anonymouse
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