From a "Fighting" aspect, XMA is nearly useless. I see the benifit of the XMA type demo teams as an advertising tool for Dojo's to attract new MA students and for the young ones and teens it is a great motivation to improve thier techniques so the team looks better. You can't perform many of the XMA moves without having the basics of the kicks down nearly perfect. In our local dojo my son (8 years old) has recently joined the demonstration team. I personally don't want him to be too comfortable with kicking or hitting someone yet. This team is motivating him to become better technically than many of the students that are 2 or 3 belts above him. No he could not win a fight against them, but that's mainly because of his age and desire "not to fight" which is actually a good thing. The Demo Team will perform at parades, city events in the parks, and raise money for Hurricane Victims. THe performances attract attention with the music and the kids talents, this is usually more appropriate than a ritrualistic beheading of a sword form. Also mixed into the performances are some of the more traditional Katas to help attract a more traditional student. Hey, just my 2 cents and I am looking forward to more good discussions on this forum.