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  • Martial Art(s)
    Kali/JKD concepts

Atton's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Yeah i suppose doing any MA before starting a new MA is going to be helpful. But we all have to start somewhere.
  2. I suppose your right about other martial arts being "JKD". In JKD we learn what Bruce Lee considered useful to HIM and from that we can take what we feel is useful to US and discard what we feel isnt. We are all different and that should be reflected in what we take from a MA and what aspects of any MA is useful to US. Thnx for the feedback.
  3. I have this book. Not read it properly yet. Looks good. But i find the philosophical stuff well a little mind confusing...is that just me?
  4. Hey, first time posting been reading round and seen a few people say that JKD is better if you have done a MA before hand. Ive been training in JKD concepts and Kali (we kind of do it in the same class depends on what the instructor wants to do). Im finding it very very enjoyable. But this is my first MA ive learned. We tend to learn a lot more Jun Fan and Kali and grappling than most others. We touch on others sometimes but mostly Jun Fan. Just want to get some feedback about why some say it is better to have done another MA beforehand before starting JKD?
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