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  • Interests
    Martial Arts
  • Occupation
    HS Student

ewing's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. I am also a switch fighter. I think that if you can fight either way you will have the edge in sparring or even on the street. I usually switch my stance alot when i spare, it will sometimes throw off the person I am sparring. On the street I feel that i could throw any technique from both of the stances.
  2. I have been in a few illegal fighting compatitions, and i was wondering if anyone else has and what do you think about them.
  3. Has anyone ever heard of Randy Reno. I am just wondering. I think he was the middlewieght world champion about 20 years ago.
  4. I don't have any ideas for you but i do love to fight.
  5. I'm 17
  6. Right now Ihave a black belt in tae kwon do, and Iwant to keep training in that until I get my second degree. After that I want to join another style at the same time. I am wondering if you think ju-jitsu would be a good style.
  7. nullI think you should always spare with the best people possible. Also like Tim said get one of your friends and ask them to train with you. If you spare with the same people all of the time you will only develope a fight stance/style around the way they fight. So, I guess I am saying mix it up. This Message was edited by: ewing on Jul 27, 2001 12:10pm
  8. The only way I know that someone can skip rank is if they have had prior training in the style.
  9. Yeah, I think that the knee works good when it comes to blocking low kicks.
  10. If he gets in your face through a technique that he won't want to get hit by again. That way he will know that he can't just get in your face.
  11. I think a mixture of styles works well.
  12. If you are good enough size will not matter, even if the bigger guy has had training.
  13. If there is a single attacker than only use what you have to, don't over do it. In your case, were there is three or more people attacking you then you should do what ever it takes to get out of the situation.
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