Hi, I'm Edward and I'm completely new to MA. I decided I wanted to start MA for a variety of reasons, just to name a few, 1. it looks like fun 2. im a pretty small guy 3. i'm out of shape But I have no clue what I should take up! So here is the deal, I'm 14 turning 15 in about 4 and a half months, pretty little (around 5'3 100-105 pounds) and in the 9th grade. I'm also pretty out of shape. I'm definitely not overweight or tubby or anything, I just haven't really been doing anything lately. I'm not muscular or anything and not particularly strong and pretty sure more than 75% of the people at my high school could beat me up. So I want to learn martial arts for a few reasons 1. get in shape 2. be able to kick some ... (and no I don't want to just run around picking fights everywhere, I just want them to know it probably wouldn't be a good idea to pick a fight with me) 3. and the coolness and fun factor of learning. Also I'm very into anything and everything having to do with China, so preferably a chinese martial art would be great (plus it seems like everyone i know that does MA takes Karate or TKD) So could anyone help me choose a martial art? Thanks in advance!