Hey everyone! Other than that I'm a new arrival to the forums, I'll open up. Martial Arts has always been one of my favourite form of exercise and an excuse to discipline myself though there never has been a time that I took Martials Arts to a more serious stage, including the time I took up Taek Won Do when I was around 8-9 years of age but left as a White Belt because I moved locations for reasons beyond my control. Around last year, my friend notified me of the martial arts he teaches (Kuk Sool Won), that first lessons are for free and lucky for me I was allowed to stay for the kids' and adults' lessons, all for free as well, considering the fact that my friend was also one of the teachers though that was the only time I experienced reliving the Martial Arts in me. The passion for it however, has never died in me and until now, aspire myself to become more familiar with it. A few days ago, I watched Kung Fu Hustle. Exaggerated choreography I must say though the action in it makes up for it, if anyone else has seen it, then they'll know why my favoured style is Hexagon Staff; Gunshu Style, if that's what it's called in which after seeing Donut in the fighting scene with the Harpists got me excited as I've always been a sucker for long rod combat. But enough of me.