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  • Martial Art(s)
    Shaolin Kempo, Shukokia
  • Location
    Princeton, NJ

tke010's Achievements

Orange Belt

Orange Belt (3/10)



  1. I started with excel and converted to access. additional columns that i track ( the ones i can think of right now) -full name of student\parents -students\parents address -emergency phone number (name of contact) -if the student has signed the school waiver. -birthday -age -dates of belt promotion.
  2. Did anyone see last nights episode? That guy Joseph left the house.....what an idiot!!!!!!!! he said his head\heart is not into fighting after he lost the 1st fight Matt Serra told him that if he left, he could no longer teach BBJ at his school, because what future mma guys want to train with a quitter. Matt even stated that joe was his best man at his wedding. I know the house (without tv, internet, and phone) is rough. BUT, that is what this show is about - how mentally tough you are. I am a big Serra fan, but waht about his comments??? I would let joe train there, but he would not teach for a while. i would eventually let him teach again, but i would have to teach him a lesson in consequences. What else does everyone think? if you were in Matt Serra shoes, whould you let him teach at your schools?would you let him train there?
  3. The first episode in the US is tonight at 10pm on discovery. there are 6 guys, 1 is a kickboxer, the others are regular guys looking for craziness. I can't wait to see it. its going to be similar to human weapon.
  4. do both. 1st kick the knee cap. once he falls, kick him in the head. distance is no longer an issue. I don't know too many people that will remain standing after a good roundhouse to the knee.
  5. Cross has is right. look for an improvised weapon. don't look scared, look confident and keep moving - they may not want to mess with you if you look like you can handle yourself. if they say something, just keep going being aware of these potential attackers. go inside a local shop\business and ask the owner to call the police. if none of the above works or is not possible, then you have to fight. thats why we train...
  6. GoGoGo, I guess that I am a unique case. I am currently Teaching Shaolin Kempo to 30 children (6-17yrs of age) free of charge. (I do have a day job that pays my bills). I love martial arts and I am willing to teach it to anyone who is willing to learn. Each of these kids has to maintain at least a "B" average in school, listen and obey their parents, and help out around the Dojo and church. I do charge a fee to the people that can afford it, but i don't turn ones away who cannot. You should go to some local dojos and ask them if you can train. Instead of money, ask if you can clean up around the dojo or do yard work for the black belts in return for lessons. Martial artists that truely love teaching will try and come up with something. Yes, we do have to put food on the table and pay bills, but most schools will train a person or 2 if they see the love for the art is there.
  7. I teach 2 children with ADD (maybe more, but definitely 2 that have been officially diagnosed). It definitely helps. They both have been with me for almost 3 years now. There is a night and day difference in their actions\attention span.... at Kempo class, at home, and at school. one of them actually helps me teach the newer white belt kids, while I teach the others. If your child has ADD, I would strongly recommend starting them with any type of Karate. to ensure that the instructor is more patient, explain the situation. Thats how the parents approached me They are now 2 of my greatest child students.
  8. I'm not impressed at all. I'll give him another chance or 2. fighting in front of all of those people can get to a person. maybe he will be better his next fight. he did not listen to BJ Penn during his fight that he lost. He only threw the haymaker... you have to listen to your coaches, they can see opportunities that you cannot.
  9. some good stuff here. yes, above is crazy, but it could happen. Here is another possible scenario: you teach one of your teenage students self defense. they are very dedicated and train really hard. He gets attacked by 3 kids (off of school grounds). using his training, he severly hurts one of the attackers. (broken arm or leg, or something worse...) the injured attacker parents then sues my student and his instructor (me). Could this happen, nowadays - maybe???? Here is a crazy story that I read somewhere about 3 years ago. I'll never forget it: a baseball coach in bridgewater (i think), NJ lost his house in a lawsuit because some kid could not catch a ball and hurt himself. The kid's parents sued and the judge\jury stated that the coach did not have in his log book that he taught how to block out sunlight, so it was the coaches fault he injured his eye (broken eye socket or something like that...). he actaully had to sell his home to make the payout.... crazy... I tell my students to think of consequences prior to fighting. and by using your brain to avoid fights is the best martial arts moves you will ever learn
  10. Best one: enter the dragon Funniest: the Protector. -the flying knee into the chinese mob was great fun -His father died, but he was more angry that someone took his elephant -tying the elephant bones to his arms after being beaten to a pulp. what a great movie.... rent it... invite sarcastic martial artists friends over....enjoy.... what a time we had...
  11. when you quote the original TMNT movie: "Ninja kick the dam rabbit!!!" everytime you are playing a video fightgame, watching a fight movie, or routing for your fav UFC fighter
  12. DWx, the college has the responsibility to ensure your safety. The night you are on campus late, call campus security. They have to provide you an escort to your dorm or car. It may take some time for them to get there to do this, but it is much safer than going it alone. (This has to be provided when asked for anywhere college, food store, restaurant. If you ask, they say no, you get attacked and survive, you can sue, sue, sue) When i was in college, my fraternity volunteered with the campus police to escort ladies around campus at night if they called security. I would not put that much effort into what the consequences would be if someone is trying to rape\sexually attack you. Its great to think about consequences, but consequences mean nothing if your dead! by calling security, your martial arts is working effectively. i mean you have removed yourself from any potential harm that could have happened. I hope this helped. Keep safe.
  13. You should definitely talk with your Sensai\Sifu about this. You should even print out this forum and show it to him. Your Sensai\Sifu should be able to put a stop to it. If not, ask for private lessons or even change dojos. You should not feel threatened while training....
  14. I am going to be providing a demo at a youth festival for a local hospital. you should see if your church\temple knows of this type of youth festival and see if you do a 10-15 minute demo. I have also done a free (3 hour) seminar for a kids camps last summer. I had a lot of interest from that. let us know what you have done. good luck...
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